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Photos Albums - rudolph arruda - 12-16-2006

Hello all :D ,

I opened a new Photos Album at yahoo with photos from commemorations in Luxembourg and photos from Normandy and Belgium, I will add some from Germany in the near future.

For those who are interested just click on the links THX.


More coming soon




Marion's note: Martin has posted the updated links below. I removed the ones which were no longer functioning as to avoid time and confusion.


Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 12-16-2006

Three cheers! Thank you so much! :pdt34::drinkin::pdt34::drinkin::pdt34::drinkin:

Photos Albums - rennog - 12-17-2006

Hyman Josefson first American Soldier killed by germans on Lux ground.


Photos Albums - rennog - 01-01-2007

Hi all,

I uploaded a small video from Us Cemetery in St. Avold at youtube, for those who are interested click on the link


Photos Albums - verow - 03-31-2007

martin, great pictures thank you :armata_PDT_37:



veronique :heartpump:

Photos Albums - rennog - 02-21-2008

Hello all :D ,

I opened a new Photos Album at Google Picasa because yahoo changed to flickr so the old links will not work anymore :armata_PDT_01:

For those who are interested just click on the links THX.


1. From Normandy official presentation of the Band of Brothers movie on the 5 june 2001 at Utah Beach in presence of the Vets.


2.From Perlé in Luxembourg remembrance of the two crews from two B17 who crashed on the ground of Perlé after a bombing mission from Germany


3.60th commemoration of the liberation of Luxembourg 10 sept. 1944 - 2004 it was a moving ceremony at the Us. cemetery in Lux- Hamm and a great Party in the city of Lux in the Evening.


3.Some photos from Bastogne


4. 60 Remembrance day in Ettelbrück


5.Normandy june 2002


6.Hyman Josefson Square - Pétange - First American killed for our liberty in Luxembourg


7.Us cemetary Sandweiler Luxembourg


8.Memorial Day 2006 in Luxembourg Sandweiler


9.Clervaux Luxembourg - Sherman and german 88 pak


10.Some Tanks and monuments tfrom the Battle of the Bulge.


11.Us cemetery St. Avold France


12.Monument Medernach Luxembourg


13.Maulusmühle Aircraft crash site


14.Schumanns Eck - Memorial at Schumanns Eck where many American and German soldiers died during the Battle of the Bulge 1944-1945.


15.Luxembourg City photos


Here a link from a coworkers album with photos from the Luxembourg Railroad Yard - May 09, 1944 after an airraid.



More coming soon (maybe) <_<



Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 02-21-2008

Martin thanks for your time and patience. It had to take some effort to move all your photos to the new setup and then post these new links for all of us. I took the time to remove all the old links/posts from earlier dates.

Photos Albums - Jeeper704 - 02-21-2008

Is it just me, but I'm seeing all the photos somewhat blurry.

They look very interesting and I have seen several of the monuments myself over the years.



Photos Albums - rennog - 02-22-2008

Is it just me, but I'm seeing all the photos somewhat blurry.

They look very interesting and I have seen several of the monuments myself over the years.




Don't know what's the problem but sometimes google need some time to get them sharp and clear.


Someone else has the same problem? If yes please let me know Thx.


Here the new links from my Normandy visit last year Part 1


Part 2.



Photos Albums - Walt's Daughter - 02-22-2008

Jeeps, this happens with some web slideshows, but it only takes a few moments for the slide to fully download and become sharp. I've seen this happen numerous times, and not only with Martin's slides.