Papa Art in hospital - Printable Version

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Papa Art in hospital - Walt's Daughter - 03-02-2007

Hey guys and gals, got some bad news. Chuck wrote to me and said that Papa Art is in the hospital. I guess he fell and and broke a rib and also punctured a lung. Don't know anything more right now kids except that Chuck will keep us informed of his progress. He is in Huron Valley Hospital.


If you would like to send get well wishes, you can write to him at:


Art Morneweck

21604 Sunflower

Novi, MI 48375




Get well soon!!! :pal::pal:

Papa Art in hospital - rennog - 03-02-2007

:unsure: I hope he will be back soon.

Papa Art in hospital - alkincer - 03-02-2007

:pdt34: Hang tite Papa Art...Get well quick. AL Kincer

Papa Art in hospital - Walt's Daughter - 03-16-2007

I guess Papa Art has been out for some time now, so I thought I would let everyone know that all is well. :armata_PDT_37:

Papa Art in hospital - Stevin - 03-16-2007

VERY glad to hear this! Good going Papa! Hope that you're up and running very soon!



Papa Art in hospital - rennog - 03-17-2007

Good to read this :D I hope he will be back soon :D