Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell - Printable Version

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Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell - 3_7_I_Recon - 04-07-2007

My mom picked up this 2 disk DVD set at Wal-Mart a couple days ago for $5.50. It's very good, the first DVD is 2 hrs and 14 minutes and the second one is 1 hr and 54 minutes.


It has lots of veteran's narratives and color footage. A steal at $5.50. :pdt34:





Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell - Walt's Daughter - 04-07-2007

For five bucks, how can ya go wrong?

Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell - Dogdaddy - 04-07-2007 fair! I had to pay $14.95 for it! Actually it is as Brooke said, full of Vet interviews and VERY GOOD!



Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell - chambers - 04-08-2007

I was quite impressed with it being only 5.50. Like I said, it was a steal!!





Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell - Dogdaddy - 04-08-2007

One of my favorites on that set is the Marine who is talking about the aftermath of the night attack by the Japanese on the P-51 pilots after most of the Marines had been taken out to rest, thinking the battle was over: "We went back in there and we took 'em right down to the God-Damn wire!" :machinegun: "We weren';t takin' any prisoners.."



Jim :armata_PDT_37: