258th Engineers - Printable Version

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258th Engineers - Walt's Daughter - 03-13-2005

Here's a letter I received from this gentleman:




My father (Dominic Zampelli) was in the 258th Engineer Battalion in Europe

during WWII. I would like to find out more information about his battalion

and their activities during the war. I've had a difficult time finding anything on the internet. Do you have any information about them or a link where i might find more information?


Thank you so much,

Dean Zampelli

258th Engineers - Walt's Daughter - 03-13-2005

Here's some info for you, Dean. Here's all the info that I have.


Please consider posting your search info in our guestbook and join our forum and place your search info under our Lost and Found section.


Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


Warm regards,





Try contacting these people:


258th Engr (Combat) Bn

Mr. Alton P Murphy

106 Bay View Ave

Cambridge, MD 21613-1105



258th Engineer (Combat) Battalion Society

Mrs. Philip J. Gallagher

127 Evergreen Street

Mount Holly, NJ 08060-1121

(The Diecast News)

(609) 267-2270




You may also want to contact the Army Corps of Engineers. They were a great help to me. They have folders on virtually every engineer group. Some folders contain a wealth of info and may be several inches thick. Others might only have a few pages, but it's always worth a try.




You may also want to contact Richard Horrell, an historian friend of mine who does research on WWII units for a living. It is a fee-based service, but if you aren't getting anywhere, it may be worth it. He offers several levels of fact finding services. If you contact him, please let him know that I sent you. Thanks.



You may also want to try and contact this gentleman: (this was taken from a guestbook)


Name: Michael Humphreys

E-mail address:


Were you in the 150th? (check box): No

How did you hear about us?: websurfing


Comments: I enjoyed your website very much, and have visited it often. My grandfather (Lt. Col. Adrian Horace Williams) was involved with the Rhine River Crossing. I have many of his medals and certificates, as well as a portfolio titled, "The Rhine Crossing - 12th Army Group Engineer Operations" by Brigadier General P.H. Timothy. This portfolio is stamped RESTRICTED in red (however by now of course it is most likely declassified). He was with the 258th Engineering Combat Battalion. He trained with Navy LCM's and LCVP's on Prince Albert Canal. One of my grandfather's handwritten comments in the page margins told of the freezing weather posing anticipated problems to the naval craft (since Navy equipment was designed for use in salt water), the 258th Engineers initiated help to the Ninth Army by wrapping chemical heating pads around the motors. He also wrote that the Bailey-bridge equipment under camouflage nets at Sevelen, Germany were "Poor camouflage!"

Saturday, July 24th 2004 - 02:33:11 PM

258th Engineers - Tom Bryant - 04-05-2017

My name is Tom Bryant, my father Pvt John Franklin Brant was in the 258th Combat Engineers during WWII. The unit trained in Hattiesburg, MS before going to Europe.  I have a picture of the outfit.   I remember dad talking about the day they crossed the Rhine but I cannot remember where he crossed.  I am looking for anyone that might have information on that.  My dad was born in 1912 and passed away five years ago.  If anyone has any suggestions how I can get more information on my dad or his outfit crossing the Rhine I would really appreciate that.

258th Engineers - buk2112 - 04-06-2017

12 hours ago, Tom Bryant said:

My name is Tom Bryant, my father Pvt John Franklin Brant was in the 258th Combat Engineers during WWII. The unit trained in Hattiesburg, MS before going to Europe.  I have a picture of the outfit.   I remember dad talking about the day they crossed the Rhine but I cannot remember where he crossed.  I am looking for anyone that might have information on that.  My dad was born in 1912 and passed away five years ago.  If anyone has any suggestions how I can get more information on my dad or his outfit crossing the Rhine I would really appreciate that.


Hello Tom, and warmest welcome to you here on the forum.  I'll try and help you out a little bit here with the Rhine River crossing. The 258th Engineer Combat Battalion was assigned to XVI Corps which was supporting the 30th Infantry Division in the Rhine River assault which began at 0100 hours on 24 March 1945. This was apart of what was code named "Operation Plunder".



They crossed in the area north of Rheinberg with the regiments of the 30 Infantry Division as soon here on this map.



Here is a link to a 258th ECB After Action Report for the Month of March 1945 giving more detail of their Rhine River crossing.


Hope this has helped you out some Tom, we are certainly glad to have you here with us. We would love to see any photos or info that you might want to share with us.

Have a good one,


258th Engineers - Tom Bryant - 04-06-2017


Thank you so very much.  I have several pictures of dad during WWII I will post soon.  Oh how I wish I had taken the time to write down all the information about the crossing and his time in Europe.  Dad was older than most of his fellow troops.  I remember him talking about guarding the prisoners after the war.   I believe I was almost 2 years old when I first saw dad.  Those men should never be forgotten, they made this country great!  I will be in touch and thanks again!

258th Engineers - Walt's Daughter - 04-25-2017

Tom, glad that Randy could assist you. Yes, so many of us could kick ourselves for not recording or writing down all that was shared, or asking more. I was only twelve when my father passed and took a real passion in his history, but alas I was too young. I thought my dad would be with me forever...

258th Engineers - Walt's Daughter - 04-25-2017

Also make sure to type "258th" into the Search engine at the upper right of our forum. It will pull up about 6 different topics on this unit. :-)

258th Engineers - Walt's Daughter - 11-17-2017

Received this message sent to me via the forum

To Whom It May Concern:

I came across a posting dated March 13, 2005 on your site from a Dean Zampelli asking about information on his father in WWII with the 258th Engineers. The name struck a chord with me and sure enough when I checked the WWII photos left to me by my father, I came across of one of my dad and a buddy he referred to as Zampelli. The photo was taken May 19, 1945 in Leage, Belgium.

I would be honored to share the photo with Mr. Zampelli. My father was Dumas Rochelle (known as Rocky) and later served as a Vietnam veteran as did myself and my brother.


John R...


258th Engineers - David Bernstein - 03-27-2018

I am looking for any information someone may have about my father, Boris Bernstein who was in the 258th Engineers during WWII. He was probably one of the older enlisted men since he was 30 when he enlisted. Any help would be appreciated.

David Bernstein

258th Engineers - Walt's Daughter - 03-29-2018

Welcome to the forum, David.I hope someone recognizing him name. On the this forum, you never know where your next tidbit of information will come from.