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Toby Keith - twobisquit - 12-09-2007

Toby Keith was on Fox several times this weekend. He has been in Afganistan and spent time entertaining some of our favorite Engineers!!! :clappin::armata_PDT_37:


Toby Keith Rocks and 36th Engineers are Rugged


Toby Keith - Walt's Daughter - 12-10-2007

Awesome Chris! :drinkin: John will sure like that one!

Toby Keith - twobisquit - 12-10-2007

I dont know if anyone saw TK, but he was making the roundson the news channels in response to Bill O'reilly saying the USO is not doing much in Afghanistan. O'reilly recently returned from there and was trying to stir up some controversy with the head of the USO.


Toby Keith has been trying to put together some shows but is having a hard time finding other entertainers to go! The Army cannot guarantee security and there is no Bob Hope in our politically correct age :(


There is more out there on this story concerning the USO.


Toby Keith - CaptO - 12-14-2007

Kudos to Mr. Keith and all of the others who support our troops (I saw Gary Sinise at 29 Palms with the Lt. Dan Band.) I personally don't find it insulting if a celeb doesn't care about troops (there is no requirement to do so just because you can sing or act) but I have the utmost respect for those who do. To me the line that celebs cross is speaking against the troops/President/US past our borders. Jerk-balls ought to have their passports revoked while they are OCONUS!

So anyway, I looked up the 36th engineers and they seem to have followed the 540th around the Med during WWII (or vice-versa.) It's good to see someone is still wearing the seahorse 62 years later.


Toby Keith - Walt's Daughter - 12-15-2007

I happen to be a real Gary Sinise fan and now I will consider myself and even BIGGER one! Knew I liked the man! :clappin:


The 540th and 36th were actually the same and the 540th became a separate regiment and were activated about a year after the 36th.


See their histories on the main site for further information.