Yank Mag Dec 44 - Engineers and Bridge Building - Printable Version

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Yank Mag Dec 44 - Engineers and Bridge Building - Walt's Daughter - 12-27-2008

Just received this. Here's the letter and the article. I think this is a cool Christmas present!


Yank Mag Dec 3 - Bridge Building


Marion, A WW2 Bomber Pilots son sent me this today. Thought you'd like to see if you haven't already?




John Ratomski


Yank Mag Dec 44 - Engineers and Bridge Building - SonofaMP - 12-27-2008

I found an engineer operations report that maybe ties in with this Yank article.

This report details the specific XIX Corps engineer operations in the vicinity

of Fort Eben Emael and crossing the numerous canals and rivers in the advance

to Aachen, Germany.

XIX Corps units most directly involved in these operations

30th Div.

2nd Armored Div.

1104th Engineer © Group

246th " " "

247th " " "

503rd Lt. Pon. Co

62nd Topo. Co.


1115th Engineer © Group

82nd " " "

234th " " "

295th " " "

512th Lt. Pon. Co.

611th L.E. Co.

992nd Tw. Br. Co.



Yank Mag Dec 44 - Engineers and Bridge Building - Walt's Daughter - 12-27-2008

Just had a chance to peruse the article you attached. Will have more time to read it later, but it looks like a pretty good match, n'est pas?