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The Auschwitz Album - Walt's Daughter - 04-25-2009

The Auschwitz Album

The Auschwitz Album - CaptO - 04-26-2009

I had heard of this album before. It's amazing that someone created it, considering the secretive nature of the NAZI's. And for what purpose? To remember the good times? It isn't like it's a how-to manual; it looks like family photo album. What is perhaps more incredible is that it survived. It so very important that it did, however, considering that there are people that actually people who deny that it happened. The question I have for those folks is, "So where did all those millions of people go during the war?" Auschwitz had a capacity of 20,000 (the main camp anyway) - so where did the million+ people that came through the gates go? I suppose GW orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and we filmed the moon landing in Arizona, right?

The Auschwitz Album - civilwargal - 04-26-2009

The Nazis were big on record keeping and very orderly. I'm sure that they destroyed a lot of records when the end was at hand. Essentially they were very proud of what they had done and wanted to leave historic documents for their offspring.

I have a relative we call "Conspiracy Guy". He is a firm believer that there was no moon landing. His comeback to my question about the mirror left on the moon to calibrate telescopes was "That's what THEY want you to believe"

The Auschwitz Album - Walt's Daughter - 04-27-2009

Oh God, don't get me started with the "conspiracy theory mindset"! Those people make me wanna bust a blood vessel.


I have always followed the logic-side of life and can't be bothered with people who have nothing better to do than... I don't even want to bother with words. Ain't worth it!


I say to those people, prove to me you have enough intelligence to be walking this earth, then maybe I will take the time to talk with you! :frown: Sorry time's up! :frown:

The Auschwitz Album - Jeeper704 - 05-10-2009

I recently watched a documentary on another album that was found and anonimously donated to the Holocaust Museum.

It showed camp officers and men on hunting trips, enjoying blackberries, laughing, dining, etc.

There were photos of dr. mengele (I refuse to write his name with a capital), the assistant to the camp commander (who said he had nothing to do with it in an interview in 50s) and much more.

My first reaction was ....... ANGER! Pure Anger!


I was thinking to myself how in earth they could do that when 30 kms away thousands of people were gassed, brutalized, murdered????

Unbelievable how cold and heartless these beasts were!


Remembering it makes my blood boil.


And what really ticks me off is that there are ..... who dare to deny what happened in those camps.

They should have their head checked for the lone surviving grey brain cell. :armata_PDT_19:



The Auschwitz Album - civilwargal - 05-10-2009

Hooray Erwin!!! I have my blood pressure raised by those folks. Where do they think all those people went to. Did most of the synagoges and Jewish Cemeteries just dissapear?

The Auschwitz Album - Jeeper704 - 05-10-2009

One of the reasons - although not the main reason of course - I get so agitated by this, is that my own grandmother almost ended up in such a camp.

And that for only slipping her tongue to someone who turned out to be a collaborator.

She simply said "They will get those black ..." ("Black" refers to the collaborators, please see this in its historical context.) not realizing she was talking to one.

In many occasions, people living next to each other didn't know the other one was a collaborator or Resistance Fighter.

One of my uncles was a courrier for the Resistance ..... a lot of my famliy only got to know this years after the war had ended.

