Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - Printable Version

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Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - Walt's Daughter - 09-23-2009

Detroit - Our Greatest Generation


My sister-in-law Anne, sent along an article clipped from a Livonia, MI newspaper. I read it this morning and contacted Keith Famie, executive producer, who immediately wrote back. The above link is their documentary tribute to Michigan WWII veterans. Enjoy!

Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - chambers - 09-23-2009

Wow! Awesome. Bless them.

Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - roque_riojas - 09-23-2009


Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - Walt's Daughter - 09-24-2009

The gathering of all those veterans at one place and the photo which followed; WOW!!!!! :armata_PDT_37:

Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - 206thmpco - 09-24-2009

Oh Marion, this is so AWESOME!!! God bless and keep them all - we owe them SO much! How I wish my Dad could have lived to be part of something like this, but I believe that somehow he and all the other WWII Vets are there in spirit.


I'm gonna email my state senator (one of the few in Mass who is a really good man) and ask him why can't we do something like this too?


It's just an absolutely wonderful thing!



Detroit - Our Greatest Generation - Walt's Daughter - 12-09-2009

Jim sent me this link:


Vet's WWII art featured in Detroit documentary