Dog Tag Information - Printable Version

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Dog Tag Information - Brenda - 09-14-2011

I am looking for some information so I can have dog tags re-punched for my grandparents and have a few questions to be sure of accuracy. My first question is; is there a record of what was on GI's dog tags anywhere so as to not have to guess about info? If so where? If not, my second question is; who is usually used as the next of kin, mother or father? Third question is; I am having trouble finding the correct blood type to put in, where is the best place to find this if there is one or is that just pouring through in family records?


Thanks for any help anyone can give,



Dog Tag Information - Walt's Daughter - 09-14-2011



We have info on this subject here on the forum:


This one has serial number info and a great site for dog tag info:


Hope that helps. Let us know.

Dog Tag Information - Walt's Daughter - 09-15-2011

Hey Dan:


On my dad's the next of kin was his mom, but his dad had already passed away.


Boy, as far as blood type, I would guess you would have to look in his family medical history. This info is not listed on the discharge papers. Does anyone have another idea? I think I would simply contact the gentleman on the link I listed above:


Dog Tag Information - Dan - 09-19-2011

Thanks for the help. I think I was going for a bit deeper factual information. I am trying to be as accurate as possible in my re-creation of tags and need to know who was generally used as the next of kin....mother or father? I can't seem to find anything that says what was used on the dog tags for next of kin and want to get it as right as possible for a medals case.





Dog Tag Information - Walt's Daughter - 09-19-2011

Ah, that's why I suggested you contact the gentleman at that particular website. He deals with this all the time and does reproductions for families.