Happy Birthday Enrico - Printable Version

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Happy Birthday Enrico - Walt's Daughter - 02-20-2012

A very happy birthday to one of my new buddies, Enrico from Italy. Oh no, it's the BIG 30th today! Hang in there buddy! :zelda:


Buon compleanno caro amico. Vi auguro una buona salute, buoni amici e una vita lunga.



Happy Birthday Enrico - Enrico - 02-20-2012

Thank you M1,

I must say, that impressed me more the 25th birthday, because it represents one quarter of a century, but even 30 is not so bad lol! :D



Happy Birthday Enrico - CaptO - 02-20-2012

Oh no, it's the BIG 30th today!


30? No probablem! It doesn't even start to get hard to get out of bed until you're at least 32 or 33!


Happy Birthday!



Happy Birthday Enrico - Enrico - 02-20-2012

Ok.... LOL .... It means that in this 2-3 years, I will have to do everything that I have never done before..... LOL


Thanks Capt :pdt34:

Happy Birthday Enrico - Dogdaddy - 02-23-2012

Thank you M1,

I must say, that impressed me more the 25th birthday, because it represents one quarter of a century, but even 30 is not so bad lol! :D




Hi Enrico,

30 is indeed not-so-bad, in fact I'd be most happy to swap with you...In three months I will turn 60.


Happy Birthday Enrico - Enrico - 03-02-2012

Very late .... However, thanks Dogdaddy! I know what you mean :D, I'm more young, but you're still young... (at the end what matters is how we feel young inside, no?) ;)