Polish Reenactors - Walt's Daughter - 03-03-2012
The following is a series of email and photos sent to me by Piotr (Peter). Thanks for your comments and your commitment to honor our veterans.
Thanks for your website. Nice and unforgotable music. The world and people were so different at that time. The music was so different.
We are the group of history funs and reenact Poles in US Army during WW II> There are so many Polish names in the us army roosters. Regards.
Hi Peter:
Great photo, I love it. Which one is you?
How long have you been doing this? I have a deep respect for living history groups who pay homage to our dear WWII vets.
Yes, it was a different time. People were much warmer, kinder and respectful. Sometimes I think I would have made a great 40's gal, had I lived back then.
Do you have a website?
Do you realize my dad was Polish. Our last name? Poniedzialek. My grandparents came over from Poland at the turn of the 19th century. Dad was born here, along with his other brothers and one sister.
I am the guy with .30 cal light machine gun on my shoulder and cpt markings on my helmet. We have our website but it is now under rebuilding - will start again in March.
It's unbelievable about your Polish ancestors. Can you speak a little in Polish ( it's interesting which generation looses the original language ). For example a daughter of my dad's brother (she was born in USA) - doesn't speak Polish at all. So do her children.
My dad's brother ( war generation ) who was a soldier of regular army ( 1939) and then a member of Polish underground army ( AK) was captured by Germans in 1943 and sent to Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany. He never came back to Poland after war, never met his family again ( just letters). That was because he was hard anti communist and was afraid to come back to Poland which was controled by Soviets till 1989 !!! He stayed in the west ( Sweden, USA, Australia) till his death on heart attack in 1981, Queensland, Australia. His Swedish wife, Brita visited Poland in 90's. I was her guide showing her the house where her husband spent his childhood. There are Polish, complex paths.
Hello Peter:
Thanks for your wonderful letter. I enjoyed reading about your family.
I don't remember much Polish at all. It's been WAY too long. Haven't heard it spoken since I was in grade school. ha-ha! My dad used to call me "moja ma?a lalka". That's all I remember.... It was so sweet.
Let me know when your website comes back on line. I will post a link.
May I place the photo you sent on my forum in the re-enactors section?
Hello Marion,
Yes you may place all pictures I sent you in this reco section. Another one. Please mention that we reenact Poles in US ARMY !
Polish Reenactors - Walt's Daughter - 03-03-2012
Great! Thanks ! I sent to my friends from the group. Great!Once a year we organize a trip around battlefields of ETO ( Belgium, France, Germany). WE visited Belgium last year. If anyone of you would like to join such historical trip just let us known. I will send you some pictures later.
Polish Reenactors - Walt's Daughter - 03-04-2012
More photos...
Polish Reenactors - Walt's Daughter - 03-05-2012
More photos...
Polish Reenactors - CaptO - 03-05-2012
Very cool. He looks very serious! Perhaps that comes from being Polish.
Polish Reenactors - Walt's Daughter - 03-15-2012
Jeep, Halftrack M-3 and DUKW ( BAW) in action, Hel, Polish Baltic Sea ! What a fun was to spent holidays over there and surprise hundreds of tourists !
Polish Reenactors - Walt's Daughter - 03-15-2012
Polish Reenactors - CaptO - 03-20-2012
Looks cold in that one picture. Won't be much snow where I'm headed soon!