'Cross Roads"

:joker: :joker: :joker:



Are you getting tired of the stories yet???


Guarding a cross road in Belgium near an auxiliary landing field for B-26s when a jeep went roaring through and one of the Lts, gave us the horselaugh.


I made myself a promise that if I had to stay there for 2 days I'd get him when he came back through the check point. Sure enough a couple hours later the same jeep came down the road and I just knew they were about to run the blockade.


I decide to stop him for good so I put a clip of AP rounds in my M-1 and when he got kinda near I hit his radiator and engine which ruined the jeep. They took a nutty and wanted name,rank and serial number etc so I gave them to him and said I would drive him to our CP for the report.


Back at the CP our BN Commander(a Ring Knocker) listened politely to the Air Corps Off's. story and turned and yelled at me "Sgt. put yourself on report and you may lose your stripes for this. You know you are supposed to shoot the driver not the jeep - are you that lousy a shot?" Turning to the Air Corps guys he told them to get the "F" out of his CP if they valued their lives.


Never had another Air Corps runner again - but then we moved on up!!


Sgtleo :machinegun:


Are you getting tired of the stories yet???



I'm still laughing my arse off. :lol::lol: Keep 'em coming Sarge.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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