Expanding membership for the VBOB

The following is correspondence regarding trying to expand membership to the Battle of Bulge - VBOB




To Bob Rhodes, et al,

I feel the suggestions put forth by Bob Faro are very good ones.

Along with the "Cornerstones of Freedom" , we should also try to

locate age appropriate

Bulge book(s) for the Middle School and High School.

(Just a note: my name in the listing is spelled incorrectly and the

email address is wrong: should be Judy or Judith Greenhalgh

(left off for privacy) Please

make those corrections.)


Judy Greenhalgh



On Jan 8, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Bob wrote:


Mr. Rhodeas and others:


I am an Associate Member of the Lehigh Valley Veterans of the

Battle of the Bulge. We have a small but growing Associate Team

that is now presenting

the agenda at 2 monthly meetings per year in 2010. We are

dedicated to the men and women who comprise VBOB and their legacy.

My uncle Tom Reda

who served in the 106th Infantry became a POW on December 16, 1944,

the first day of the battle. My mother's cousin, Tom O'Brien who

served in the 26th Infantry (Yankee Division)

was KIA on January 25, 1945, the last day of the battle. So for me

I have a vested interest as well as being a Vietnam era veteran



To expand upon Mr. Rhodes' list of ideas I offer the following:


1. With the suggested revision of the website should come an

expanded reach to the sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters

and others by the veterans still with us today.

What greater marketer than those who were there and for whom we

shall carry on their legacy.

2. Perhaps even a Junior Membership for the youngsters of family

members to get them interested and "card carrying" early on. I

believe children are more involved when they

have a sense of belonging such as their own membership in such

a storied organization.

3. Marketing VBOB to younger veteran organizations with emphasis

that all veterans should carry on for each other and obviously the

youngest veterans have time and energy

on their side. This would include every veteran from Korea to

date which would include the youngest such as my son Joe, 19, a

Marine, deploying for Afghanistan any day now.

4. In regards to composing a team to preserve the legacy there

should be local VBOB teams that have such a membership especially

if as it should be education in the schools

will be continued. Our VBOB does an outstanding job in the

education program led by our Vice President, Associate Judy

Greenhalgh. This is a real case in point of how

outstanding Associates such as Judy have already been long and

hard at work to preserve the VBOB legacy.

5. On a note I have mentioned to others at the national level

before I believe the Executive Council MUST be open to all

interested members regardless of geographical location.

I had expressed an interest several years ago but learning that

you meet at Ft. Meade, MD, eliminates perhaps well over 90% of your

membership. In this day and age we

have availability of video conferencing, telephone conference

calls, etc. While meeting in person may be nice for those who can I

believe it unwittingly eliminates some

dynamic individuals who might be willing to really jump in and


6. In my own case, past work and volunteer efforts, I have always

believed that thanking and marketing can go hand in hand. As such,

2 years ago I had a highway here in

Pennsylvania renamed (portion of) the Veterans of the Battle of

the Bulge Memorial Highway. I have written numerous letters and Op

Ed pieces honoring VBOB members.

I regularly tell others about VBOB and praise our individual

organization as "family" because we are truly a large extended

family who interact in many ways other than

just at one monthly meeting.

7. Before i forget, a few years ago I found what I thought was an

extraordinary book on the Battle of the Bulge by "Cornerstones of

Freedom" that I am told speaks to the

3rd-4th grade level. I showed it to several of our VBOB members

who thought it was quite good. Perhaps the "National VBOB" can come

up with a new version and market

it directly to schools via an education median.


I am proud to be an Associate Member and I will be glad to assist

as best I can.




Bob Faro





-----Original Message-----

From: Robert Rhodes

Sent: Jan 8, 2010 3:29 PM



Dear VBOB Regular Members, VBOB Associate Members, and Friends;


During the November '09 VBOB Executive Council Meeting I offered to

help expand VBOB's Associate Member Program during my tenure as a



I am writing to all of you - regular members, associate members and

others - committed to preserving the legacy of all those heroic

veterans of the Battle of the Bulge. I am most interested in any

and all suggestions designed to improve and expand our associate

member program.


I will be briefing the executive council next Tuesday, 12 January,

during their regularly scheduled council meeting and ask for your

suggestions before the meeting. Apologies galore for a short

turnaround . . . (I was in Florida for the past couple of weeks -

poor me!)


I intend to discuss:


- Revision of the VBOB website <www.battleofthebulge.org, as

appropriate, with special efforts designed to appeal to associate

members - sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, others.

- Preparation of letters co-signed by Dee Paris, president of VBOB,

and myself to all current regular members, current associate

members, and former associate members. highlighting the important

benefits of membership with special attention toward preserving the

legacy of all VBOBers and their families.

- Expansion of the marketing of VBOB to include school children

across America, other veterans organizations, Belgian and

Luxembourg families and friends, etc.

- Insuring that all links on our website to 'Bulge' military units

are current and active as a source for historical research and for

connections to comrades in arms.

- Composing a team (not a committee) of those interested in

preserving the historical legacy of the battle and its participants.

- Suggestions provided by you . . .


May I wish all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.


Bob Rhodes

VBOB Trustee

Alexandria, Virginia

H: (703) 360-5110


PS: Pls look over the addressees, above, and let me know if I have

inadvertently left potential teammates out.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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