276th Engineers

276th Engineers


Darrell sent me this letter the other day, and I thought I would begin a new topic for said unit. Here's the letter and a copy of what Deborah wrote to him:


Hello Deborah,


I don't have your dad listed in the information on the website. I looked in the March 1945 reports for the 1142nd Combat Engineers Headquarters Company, but see no mention of the casualties. At that time, it appears the 276th was attached to the 1142nd Group. Your best bet is to contact the National Archives and have them do a search of the 276th records. They are usually filed by month or months. They will send you a list of what they find. For a fee, they can copy the papers from the files you want and mail them to you. That is what I did to get all of the information of the 1142nd on the website. That is your best bet.


Let me know what you come up with. I am sorry I haven't been any help.


Thank you,


Darrell Pace



On 6/13/2011 3:42 PM, BowyerMS@aol.com wrote:

My father was in the 276th and I was so amazed to find your web site, and listing his unit as part of the 1142. I am not sure if he was I couldn't find him in your lists. His name was Tech 3 Herbert "Tom" Bowyer after my mothers death in 2008 I got a lot of boxes with pictures and a lot of memorblia which I have been sorting through.


I am not sure if you would have a list with his name on it, I have the book "Rough and Ready" the 276th. He was injured when the Remagen Bridge collapsed - receiving a purple heart and was placed back in active duty about 2 weeks later.


My name is Deborah L. Bowyer


That is if you have anything pertaining to my father. I have found a web site for the 276th done by Richard Dillman, his father was also in the 276th



Thank you for your time and hopefully you can help me in my search of my fathers experiences in WWII


Here's a few links taken from our forum:









Darrell gave her good advice about contacting NARA. They have a wealth of information and are very helpful.


Here's helpful info on Research links, etc, including how to contact NARA in Maryland:






Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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