New kid on the block

GOOD LORD!!CaptO, sounds like she built an obstacle course..

All she forgot to tell the engineers to put up barb wire. If the

Engineers built it,- it's good. Bet a squirrel could walk over

it. Rock JS


Ha-ha! 43! And now 500! What a difference. At one point early on, I actually even thought of disbanding the forum due to lack of membership. Man am I glad I re-thought that one through. I try to never make rash decisions. That would have been one I would have regretted.


You are welcome Capt O! Glad I could provide the sandbox, swing set and jungle gym! :clappin:




It was because of Papa Art that I put in my first appearance here. He knew you were struggling and in answer to a WBG member's question as to where and why he had been so long away that I decided to pop over and say hello. He was such a sweetheart and I, too, had missed him. I remember him telling me that he used to work for Friden and had I ever heard of them? Heard of them! Back in the days when I was first starting to work, they were a BIG outfit either to work for or to be knowledgable of any of their machines. In those days, I was entry level and knew that if I could learn to work a Friden that it spelled M-O-N-E-Y!


To Captain O: Thank you for your comments and for taking the time to look up my profile. What a lovely compliment!


Roque: We've conversed before but I've been away so long ... well, never mind. My, but I must say having read your posts you are a lively one! :armata_PDT_01:




I guess it shows that I'm a young'n because I had to Google Frinden:


And I just joined up with the WBG folks primarily to look up Papa Art's posts over there. I have seen a lot of familiar faces, however; your's being one of them, Marilyn.


But I won't be be going AWOL from this place. Y'all know where this Texan's heart really lies!!


Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien



That's right; once again Papa was the conduit for yet another friendship - ours! He brought many of us together. As I stated in his obit, it was because of him that I met such people as Don Burgett and George Koskimaki, and so on and so on and so on. I bet you if I actually sat and calculated (had to get that in for Friden :pdt12: ) all the connections through him, I'd fall off my chair.


Capt - You'll enjoy all his posts on WBG. He had a lot to share. One great thing about the internet? All the words are captured there for all to see. He lives on because of WWII forums, and won't be forgotten. :wub:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hello Everyone,


Long-time-no-see. Thought I'd drop in and check out what's happening here. Things have slowed to a crawl at WBG so I don't check in there much, either. Recently, there was a post asking why you joined WBG and I saw Capt O's reply in which he mentioned my name. Thanks, Capt. That was nice what you said. Also, thanks for posting that picture of the Friden calculator. I had quite a laugh out of the fact that you had to google "Friden". Just think: One of these days your grandkids will be googling whatever it is you used to do for a living. I got a Kindle e-reader last year and spend much time reading, especially while waiting to see the doctor. (It's called - shhh - aging.) It was nice re-reading some of the old posts from my friends like Roque. And I spend a lot of my time on the computer. It's my window to the world. Take care.


Well lordie, lordie, lordie, did the sky just fall. What a nice, nice surprise. Long time no see Marilyn. And I really could use you this morning, for I have a terrible cold, just got out of bed, sniffling and sneezing, with a scratchy throat and watering eyes. Then I see your post and heck, it actually made me feel a bit better. Thanks for the medicine, girlfriend!


It's great to hear from you again, and I have to admit; what a time trip it was, reading all the posts starting back in 2005 in this thread. Wow! And one of the funny things? Seeing Todd's post announcing, "We have 500 members!" Just this week I posted, "We have 1000 members!" Look how far we've come.


Again, it's fantastic hearing from you. Don't become such a stranger, for it really would be nice to have you back.


Welcome, welcome!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

That was pretty interesting to see all the old posts. I forget how much is buried in the thousands of posts here. 500 to 1000! That's pretty good in just a couple of years!

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Thanks, Marion. Hope you feel better soon. -- Marilyn


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