Fuehrer-Begleit-Brigade 16-Dec-44 to Jan-45 by General Remer

Written for the U.S. Army by General Otto Ernst Remer.

General Remer was a young, highly decorated officer. He is infamously/famously known to history as the commander of the German Army’s Wacht Regiment "Grossdeutschland" ceremonial guard formation in Berlin. After the July 20, 1944 assassination attempt on Hitler, Remer and his regiment was ordered by the conspirators to arrest Dr. Goebbels and other Nazi officials. However, Goebbels telephoned the very much alive Hitler. Hitler ordered Remer to arrest the conspirators. The rest is history.

Remer was promoted to major General and given command of all the wacht battalions and to organize them into a combat formation for the coming Ardennes counter-attack.

Here is his account:



Fuehrer-Begleit-Brigade 16-Dec-44 to Jan-45 by Remer

MS # B-529

The Fuehrer-Begleit-Brigade (The Brigade

under the command of Remer) in the Ardennes

(16 Dec 44-26 Jan 45)

Previous history: During the first part of September, 1944,

I was detained by an order of Hitler from his headquarters in Rastenburg

while on my way to the front to take over the Fusilierregiment with

the "Greater Germany" "Division. I was ordered by him to organize a

combat force, later known as the Fuehrer-Begleit-Brigade Hitler's

Escort Brigade, the purpose of which was to take over the defense of

headquarters which was located about 100 km behind the front. At

this time, it was supposed that an air landing of two to three airborne

divisions on the part of the Allies was planned against the head-

quarters. The Fuehrer Begleit-Brigade existing at that time was too

weak for such a task. Besides, my force, which was to be organized,

was to be used as a mobile operational reserve within the so-called

fortress of LOETZEN, EAST PRUSSIA for engagements outside the limits

of the fortress.

To this end, I enlarged and formed my force as follows, taking into consideration the units already available there:

1. Brigade Staff

2. Fuehrer according to Mueller, this refers to the Fuehrer Begleit-Brigade signal Battalion (primarily intended for the internal operations of the headquarters).









- 2-


3. Fuehrer Air Signal Battalion (aircraft warning services).

Fuehrer antiaircraft regiment Hermann Goering, with 14 batteries ( for active air defense and ground artillery fighting ).

Fuehrer Escort Regiment with three battalions.

a. One armored personnel carrier battalion (five companies equipped with armored personnel carriers)

b. one mobile battalion (four light and one heavy company loaded on amphibian Volkswagens and Steyr command cars)

c. One heavy battalion with one tank company

one assault gun company

one antiaircraft company

one combat engineer company

one armored reconnaissance company

6. 828 Battalion, on special assignment) Both battalions con-

7. 829 Battalion, on special assignment) sisted of-rather old men (Landeschuetzen) and had originally been intended for guarding headquarters premises which could not yet been used.

8. Medical company

This unusual array was the result of the special task on which this combined-arms unit was based. The various units were




Equipped with the most modern arms and ammunition and brought up to strength with experienced front-lines soldiers.

When Hitler moved his headquarters to BERLIN during the second half of November 1944, my mission was completed. I then stayed several more days with my Brigade in the area of RASTENBERG. At the end of November, 1944, my Brigade was transported by train for commitment on the western front on orders from Hitler.

For this purpose, the brigade had to be right reorganized in great haste, with the extraction of units it further needed in the headquarters and the addition of new units.

At the beginning of December, the following elements of the Brigade listed above arrived in the area of DAUN (EIFEL):

1. Brigade staff

2. Fuehrer antiaircraft regiment with eight batteries

3. The entire Fuehrer escort regiment

4. The 828 battalion on special assignment (the 829 remained for some time in Rastenburg, and later came to the Fuehrer-Begleit brigade.

5. The Medical company

6. A Signal Company formed out of the Fuehrer Signal Battalion. Moreover, the following were added:

1) Staff of the panzer regiment

2) A panzer battalion from the “Greater Germany†panzer regiment

3) One assault gun Battalion I believe they 120 Battalion,



which it previously fought in France and had been reorganized).

4. One light artillery battalion from the 120 Regiment with two light batteries

( five guns each ) and one heavy battery.

5. One OT (Organization Todt) column and one Army supply column. Both of these already only ready for commitment up to 1/5 strength.

6. One horse-drawn bakery and butchery company.

7. One army post office in one workshop company.

All recently added elements were insufficiently equipped, in respect to personnel and material, except for weapons and tanks. This was especially true in respect to equipment with vehicles and signal equipment. The staff of the panzer Regiment did not arrive until two days before the offensive and was so defectively the symbol that it could not be used for the time being. The 828 battalion on special assignment did not receive the bicycles designated Fort until the day prior to the offensive.

The brigade was organized as follows increased assignment:

1. Brigade staff of general staff officer

2. One Signal Co. ( 1/2 telephone, 1/2 radio)

One military police detachment

One armored reconnaissance company

One motorcycle messenger Detachment

3. Three independent battalions with one armored personnel carrier battalion of five companies

One mobile battalion of four companies

The 828 Bicycle battalion on special assignment with four companies



4. One panzer Regiment with

One battalion of tanks parentheses four companies of Mark IV tanks (and one battalion of assault guns of four batteries)

5. One artillery Battalion

6. One antiaircraft regiment with two battalions

a. One light battalion with three batteries (self-propelled)

(One company of 20 mm, 1 bar. guns One company of 20 mm for barrel guns, one company with 37 mm guns)

b. One heavy battalion with four batteries of six guns at each of 105 mm caliber.

7. Two transportation columns

One Medical company

One bakery in butcher company

Army post office

One workshop company

8. Feldersatz replacement training battalion with 1400 men, which had been organized on orders from army. It had about 20% strength with respect to personnel and material.

The shortcomings of this organization are attributed to the fact that I received their original staff for the panzer regiment and for that reason the brigade had command three independent battalions which had been armed organized and very different ways. The means of Signal communications of the Brigade were not sufficient for this increased command load. The military police detachment of about 12 men was to



weak for and effectual regulation of traffic, especially in difficult terrain. The relation of the heavy weapons the infantry was exaggerated. Engineer unit was completely lacking. However the capacity of the columns, which was enhanced by taking usable vehicle from the rest of the force, was by no means sufficient for well functioning supply service. The small amount of artillery available had no vehicles capable of cross-country travel was also a shortcoming.


The few days left before the offensive were intensively used to organize and reorganize the brigade. In addition, the force was trained every day at company level and officers of all ranks were prepared for their coming tasks by discussions about the terrain and map exercises. Naturally, the time at our disposal for these purposes was quite limited, especially inasmuch as a part of the added units did not arrive until the day prior to the offensive. Instead, the Feldersatz battalion was excellently equipped with respect to personnel and equipment in order to guarantee a good, continuous training.


The brigade subordinated to the 66 Korps:

The Fuehrer-Begleit-Brigade was assembled in the area around Daun during 17 Dec 44. Since the beginning of the offensive , I was at the forward command post of the Fifth Army in DACHSCHEID, northeast of WACHSWEILER.


18 Dec 44


About 1600 of 18 Dec 44, I received the order to take the brigade to the front from the area of Daun by way of GEROLSTEIN, BUEDESHEIM, PRUEM, SCHNEEFIELFORSTHAUS, POTH and AUW in the direction of ST VITH.



Mission: to thrust forward nine in a generally westerly direction by way of ST VITH within the framework of the LXVI Korps, and subordinated to this court.

The brigade was set on the march by telephone, with the organization ordered. Organization of the brigade:

One. Advanced attachment: one armored reconnaissance Battalion

1. Light Company on Volkswagens

One assault gun company

Balance of the 2nd battalion

Medium Infantry gun company

Antiaircraft company

2. brigade staff with reconnaissance company armored regiment

2nd battalion (armored personnel carriers)

Artillery battery

3. Antiaircraft regiment

4. Third Battalion (828, on special assignment) on bicycles.

What a Brigade set out under the command of the one-day, I traveled the command post of the LXVI korps, which I encountered in WEINSHEIM (5 Km. northeast of PRUEM). I found out about the situation there and I found out that I was to set out with the Brigade by way of roads, AUW, WISCHEID, ANDLER, SCHOENBERG, and HEEUEM the direction of ST VITH. For the time being, I was not ordered to attack ST VITH, but I was given to understand it the intention existed, now as before, to thrust through further to the west with the Brigade toward the Maas after the fall of ST VITH. At any rate, the brigade was not to tie itself up with a battle














For ST VITH. As for myself, I drove ahead on the designated road and did not reach the Fort command post of the 18th VGD in WALLERRODER MUHLE until about morning. The road of the advance ordered was completely jammed in bad condition. Traveling of the road was impossible, even for track-laying vehicles. I therefore reckoned with considerable delay of the march movement and reported this fact to the Korps.


19 Dec 44


At the command post of the 18 VGD, I learned that resistance east of ST VITH had become considerably stronger. Besides, I saw that this division was still not very extensively spread put along the front. During the afternoon, I commenced road reconnaissance for the purpose of finding out if there were possibilities of circumventing ST VITH. Because I got unfavorable results from this reconnaissance, I resolved to support the attack of the 18 VGD, set for about noon, with my advance detachment by a thrust on both sides of the road.

The advance detachment began to arrive in WALLERRODER MUHLE about 1200. The attack of the 18 VGD, which was commenced with only weak artillery, did not lead to any success. The armored point of my advance detachment, which had, during this, advanced approximately to the bend in the road north of PRUEMERBERG, received rather strong anti- tank fire. The Company attacking through the it's south of the road was repelled with heavy losses by very well-placed enemy artillery fire.

My impression was that the enemy had already made himself so strong east of ST VITH that this place could not he taken from the east by an attack emanating from the march movement without a sufficient



assembly of heavy weapons. Moreover there were is the fact that only the terrain north of the road appeared to be suited for tank attack, but with an unfavorable assembly area west of the woods “auf der Hoehe†“On the Heightsâ€, especially inasmuch as the road could be reached only under enemy observation from the bottleneck of the road. Besides the street was so badly Jan said Vance of the armored group would have been extremely difficult.

During the time falling, I repeatedly received contradicting orders from Heersgruppe, the Fifth Army, and the LXVI Korps, which part lease spoke of an attack against or a capture of ST VITH, partly of a certain subvention of the city any further threats to the west.

I decided to circumvent ST VITH to the north, although the road from WALLERRODER MUHLE to MAYERODE had been reported to me as being passable only under certain conditions. It was still the most favorable.

At the onset of darkness, the advance detachment set out to MEDELL by way of MAYERODE. The assault gun company, along with the grenadier Company on foot, which were with the advanced Detachment, were sent out from WALLERRODER MUHLE to WALLERRODE. The armored group had begun to reach as Roth at this time, but was very badly waged in with vehicles of other divisions over to east of AUW. Inasmuch as this road was also used by elements of the 6 SS army and was further war molested by elements of the American units and circled in the SCHNEEIFFEL that were breaking out, a traffic jam had come into being that could hardly be disentangled and which the little force of military police belonging to the brigade was not in a position to disentangle.



The attack of the elements of the Brigade order to WALLERRODE (all together one assault gun company into grenadier companies) launched at midnight by way of the fork in the road west of WALLERRODE and then by way of KNINELSBERG towards ST VITH had no success. Therefore, I ordered a continued march by way of Miguel and born in the direction of NIEDER-EMMELS.

20 Dec 44

The attack launched during the dawn of 20 Dec by the armored personnel carrier battalion together with an assault gun company, which had arrived in the meantime, lead, after a hasty assembly in the woods north of NIEDER-EMMELS, to the capture of NIEDER-EMMELS and OBER-EMMELS and thereby to the effect of blocking of the road from LIGNEUVILLE to ST VITH. A further thrust in the southern direction aimed at taking SARD-LEZ-ST VITH bogged down in well-placed enemy artillery fire to the three battalions and anti-tank fire. I decided to wait for the deployment of the brigade. All attempts to accelerate this deployment were frustrated by the extremely difficult road conditions in the woods south of NEURODE, where, in part, one vehicle after another had vetoed through one at the time. In addition there was the fact that the lack of motor fuel result from the road difficulties and traffic jams in the case of the armored group. (An amount was already consumed that was threefold as great as that which would was estimated for normal conditions). During the entire day, NIEDER-EMMELS was under heavy artillery fire.


21 Dec 44


I was ordered by LXVI Korps to attack along the road to ST VITH from the NIEDER-EMMELS area on December 21, 44 I had to decline to



make this attack as long as the high terrain south of NIEDER-EMMELS was not in our possession. Otherwise I would have to lead an attack with enemy flanking interference. I therefore decided in favor of an attack in a southerly direction for the purpose of taking SARD-LEZ-ST VITH in order to block office last important supply route and in order to have a solid under our feet again for a further thrust because up to this time eroded terrain conditions had been my worst foe.

The assembly of the II battalion, which had been brought forward into the hollow just west of the in NIEDER-EMMELS during the darkness, was harassed for such a long time shortly before daylight by suddenly launched, well-placed enemy artillery fire that this battalion was not in the position to move up and thereby take it vantage of the dawn. Because my heavy weapons, the bulk of the tanks and artillery battalion had still not been brought up because of the catastrophic reconditions and because the brigade, moreover, that no support whatsoever, Korps, I called off the attack in view of the superiority of the enemy artillery.

I reckoned that the brigade could be deployed by about evening. In order not to let the day slip away on used, I put the II battalion to blocking the road from ST VITH to VIELSALM by taking the advantage of the forests west of SARD-LEZ-ST VITH. Moreover, this time was to send other strong reconnaissance Ford to the southwest and the general direction of SALMCHATEAU and to report the information found out about the forest roads leading in this direction.

As for myself, I prepared the attack of the brigade against SARD-LEZ-ST VITH from the road from the north and northwest of the night of 21/22 Dec 1944. My plan was the following:



The armored troop was to attack by way of OBER--EMMELS on both sides of the road to SARD-LEZ-ST VITH, will set the III battalion was to penetrate into this locality SARD-LEZ-ST VITH from the area including TOMM and BERG from the northwest, and if possible, to take to the artillery positions presumed to be northwest of the locality by surprise. The attack was to be conducted by surprise and without any artillery preparation, however the artillery was to be ready to fire on demand. Distribution of a sufficient number of forward observers to both combat teams.(sic) As I see. The II battalion, which had been assigned to block the road, was provided as a possible reserve.

Shortly before darkness, we were able to bring the artillery battalion into position, after the guns had been towed with vehicles having cross-country ability. The III battalion likewise arrived with its bicycles pulling them along; they are completely covered with mud. The bicycles remained in BORN and, moreover, were not used thereafter during the entire offensive.

The II battalion had reported the blocking of the road from ST VITH to the VIELSALM during the afternoon in a very boldly conducted undertaking, moreover further advance in a southerly and southwesterly direction, and an engagement with enemy artillery positions and isolated tanks in the area north of COMMANSTER and HINTERHAUSEN.

The result of the road reconnaissance did not sound favorable. Furthermore, captured in the commanders of the 7 Armored Division (U.S.) were reported to have apparently come from a discussion.


22 December and 44



The armored group (the II Battalion, two armored companies and to assault Gun companies) was assembled at 2400 in the area of NIEDER-EMMELSER-HEIDE. The III battalion reported completed assembly in the vicinity of TOMMBERG at about 0100. I led the armored group myself. I set out a powerful reconnaissance along the road from OBER-EMMELS to SARD-LEZ-ST VITH at once, which reported northern edge of the patch of woods south of OBER-EMMELS was rather heavily occupied and that enemy armored cars had been sighted. It was for the reported that the terrain off of the road was not passable at night and that several tanks have already stuck fast.

I therefore led the armored group through the bare places in the woods in the direction of TOMMBERG. Up until daylight, I move it forward to the southern edge of the forest north of SARD-LEZ-ST VITH with a tedious effort. This was very difficult undertaking because tanks were sticking fast that every moment in the softening terrain in because the woods were very thick and parts. At times, one tank after another had to be guided in by scouts on foot.

As a result of the continuous noise of the motors, the element of surprise loss. During the night, the artillery battalion shelled the enemy artillery positions spotted west of SARD-LEZ-ST VITH with artillery fire observed by Forward observers of the III. battalion. By taking advantage of the darkness and the snowstorm, the III battalion worked its way even closer to a locality. The moving force of the armored group during the dawn was delayed by the fact that the Ford tanks ran into mines along the edge of the woods which first had to be



cleared. In the meantime, the III battalion broke into locality in Fought head from house to house. The locality was stubbornly defended by enemy tanks. Individual combat teams for then stopped by enemy tanks and were temporarily taken into captivity, even the battalion commander. It was not until the attack all lunging from the edge of the woods of on a broad front was made that the locality was taken in this situation restored. The III battalion had considerable losses, especially in as much as enemy tanks concentrated fire at close range on the many wounded men who were in several sellers. At about noon SARD-LEZ-ST VITH was fully cleared and in our firm possession. In toto, about 20 American tanks for put out of action or captured, the number was abandoned and was still completely intact and about 50 prisoners were taken. During the day, and during the following night, the locale the itself was under constant enemy artillery fire. In the direction of St. Vincent, contact was made with the 18 and 62 VGD.

During the afternoon, the units were put in order and the many tanks that were had struck fast for pulled out. During the night, the II battalion, which was able to block a road leading to the VIELSALM only temporarily, was brought in the change of position of the artillery was carried out. The abandoned vehicles of the brigade had to be drawn along the way of ST VITH during the night because the roads leading from BORN and to SARD-LEZ-ST VITH were not passable.


23 December 44


At about 0800 of December 23, 1944, the brigade set out with the Harvard group by way of BIRKELER toward HINTERHAUSEN. In this locality several



enemy tanks responded, apparently regards. HINTERHAUSEN was taken with the loss of two of our tanks. Four enemy tanks for shot out of action. The further Vance on a broad front on both sides of the KAPELLENBUSCH towards KAPELLE led to the capture of More tanks which had got stuck in the marshy area east of KAPELLE. During the advance still more tanks which had not which had got stock fell into our hands.

In order to take advantage of the success and in order to prevent the enemy from effecting a lodgment, the mobile II battalion was brought up and it took over the advance guard point after having been given an assault gun company. It immediately went on to ROGERY by way of FM KRETOLZ-COMMANSTER, whilst the armored group assembled and organized itself behind the artillery Battalion, which was following the II battalion. BEHO was free of enemy forces. Road conditions from the COMMANSTER ROGERY were understandably bad. Despite that fact, the direct road was ordered because the bridge one km northeast of BEHO was destroyed.

East of ROGERY, enemy entrenchments were reported. For this reason, the artillery battalion was ordered into a position west of COMMANSTER for the purpose of guarding the advance. After Reese short struggle before darkness, ROGERY was taken, one hour later, cero. Week enemy artillery harassing fire was directed against both localities.

I ordered the prompt continuation of the march in a westerly direction of the main road. Next March objective: the road crossing 3.5 camp west of REGENE’. During the entire day, I did not receive any report of all cancer in the enemy situation and location of the adjacent units.



the advance guard. Reported enemy column traffic in a northerly direction on the road from the BEOVIEGNY to SALMCHATEAU. I ordered the blocking of the road to the south, South the mill at CIERREUX in details to follow just behind the enemy columns in order to gain as much ground as possible without fighting in this manner. However, this following was soon notice and resulted in the fact that the tank at the end of open fire. I myself witnessed how the to advance so assault guns, one after another, put five enemy tanks into coupled guns out of action one after another by driving 50 m ahead each time in shooting off peace ground signal in such a manner that the enemy tank was completely lighted up each time and could be destroyed with the first shot, in the majority of cases. Because the enemy, and was apparently stopped by the demolition of the bridge, about 12 tanks and 20 vehicles could be captured in addition. The crew scattered into the train during the darkness.


24 Dec 44



The advance continued by way of PROVEDROUX, OTTRE and BIHAIN. At the break of the day the brigade was located about in the area mentioned above. The reaching of this high terrain was difficult for the tanks and vehicles as a result of the icy roads because the winter equipment requested had not arrive. I was very much astonished to meet up already with SS units in this area.

A further movement during the day was not possible because of enemy air activities, which were increasing because of weather conditions.



temporary subordination to the sixth SS panzer Army

The brigade was temporarily subordinated to the sixth SS army. A thrust in a northerly direction by way of LIERNEUX was intended. I want to leave this attack astride the road from REGNE’ to LIERNEUX (by-passing the latter locality to the right) and to reach the road in the direction of HABIEMONT by way of LANSIBAL. To this end, I secured REGNE’ for myself with a week are group. Reconnaissance in force thrust ahead toward FRAITURE.


25 Dec 44


Subordinated to the LVIII Korps


Shortly before the beginning of this thrust, I received the order from here sector but to reach a MONIENES by way of SAMREE and DOCHAMPS at the onset of darkness in order to put the brigade at the disposal of the LVIII Panzer Korps. This order was changed at the time of the departure and an advance of the brigade in the direction of HAMPTEAU by way of SAMREE’ and LAROCHE was ordered. The Ia of the brigade, traveling to head toward WARIZY to the LVIII korps was guided in there. The Fuehrer-Begleit-Brigade was supposed to take the HOTTON and the bridge during the 26 Dec 44 and to attack further in the direction of NOISEAUX. To this end, the various units of the brigade received individual orders for the march into the assembly area see sketch and specifically at approximately in the order of the attack planned for the following day. It was important in this connection to clear the road as soon as possible in order that units coming up to travel into their respective assembly areas, if at all possible, in order to save time. Above all, it



was important to get the III battalion, which had been divided up onto all kinds of vehicles and which had already left its bicycles behind in born, of four during the night.


The plan of attack was following:

The II battalion was to attack to the right along road from RENDEUX-BAS to HAMPTEUX with the support of an assault gun company and to take the locality. The I II battalion was to for thrust to left through the BOIS DE HAMPTEUX and to take possession of the heights west of HAMPTEUX. The armored group, at the disposal of the brigade in RENDEUX-BAS, was, after the success of the initial phase of the attack, to thrust through, by way of HAMPTEUX, either along the road or further on to HOTTON between HAMPTEUX and MENIL, according to a situation and terrain, in order to take possession of this locality [HOTTON] and the crossing site. The artillery battalion was to go into position in such a manner that it to support the various phases of battle by means of observe fire in very close coordination with the individual combat teams. The bulk of the antiaircraft regiment was employed for air defense because there was no possibility of Artillery effect for the heavy anti-aircraft battalion on account of its flat trajectory. During the progress of the attack, elements of the antiaircraft regiment were to eliminate enemy flanking pressure from the northern flank northern bank of the zero arty, especially in the area of WERPIN, and to keep themselves in readiness after the capture of HOTTON in order to be used to block the road of approach.


26 DEC 44




the first elements of the brigade arrived in the assembly area about midnight. At of 930 ending of the Assembly and beginning of the attack. Despite the extremely difficult terrain, the attack was successful. Will's the battalion the right to the BOIS DE HAMPTEUX [sic!] the battalion to less thrust through the BOIS DE HAMPTEUX. I have already given the order to move ahead to the armored group when the court gave me the ordered to suspend the attack it once and to disengage the brigade for the purpose of another assignment. My protest to the effect of this would be possible during the day only at the price of heavy losses at this stage of the battle was rejected twice. The cessation of the attack and the disengagement from the enemy was ordered. This engagement cost quite a few losses because the enemy went over to the attack at once. Week elements of the 116 panzer grenadier division took over the protection of a line of departure.

At the onset of darkness, the first element of the Brigade or on the march by way of HALLEUX, BEUCHEMPAY(?), the intersection of the roads [lit., “road spiderâ€] west of the CHAMPLON and ORTHEUVILLE. Motor fuel was so scarce that almost half of the vehicles had to be towed.


27 DEC 44


Considering the enemy air activities, the brigade was supposed to take shelter for the day in the BOISE DE HERBAINONT. The medical company, traveling during the day, was shot up in flames the extent of 40% by a fighter-bomber attack lasting 35 minutes, although all vehicles are painted white and bore the Red Cross. The number of wounded men were thereby killed. During the course of the night, the brigade was to take



over the sector of the 26 Volks Gren Div, which was located approximately in the line from MORHET to SIBRET. It was the intention of higher headquarters to use the Brigade for the purpose of closing the broken ring of encirclement around Bastogne by means of attack in a southerly direction in order to close this gap again.

The personally found out that the 26 Volks Gren Div was very weak and was without armor piercing weapons. It would therefore have to be taken into account that would be pressed back even further to the north during the day. Terrain reconnaissance showed, moreover that the sector from PINSAMONT to HOUMONT and the high terrain south of CHENOGNE any would have to be held under all circumstances if the conditions for attack to the south were to remain favorable. I therefore decided to commit a 105mm antiaircraft battery and a light anti-aircraft battery at once in the area of CHENOGNE in such a manner that they could command the higher terrain west and south of this locality in order to prevent the enemy tank penetration. Likewise ordered the armored personnel carrier battalion with several assault guns, which was traveling in a great distance between units, because of the danger from the air to proceed into the BOIS DE VALET. The bulk of the antiaircraft regiment was committed for the air defense around TRONLE and west of FLAMIERGE. This measure proved good because during the course of the afternoon 10 cargo carrying gliders, committed for the purpose of bringing supplies to Bastogne, could be shot down. SIBROT was lost during the course of the day, as was expected. CHENOGNE was likewise temporarily lost because it was taken right back again in a counter thrust by elements of the Brigade located in the BOIS



DE VALET. During the morning the artillery battalion took a firing positions in the area of FLAMIERGE. Brigade command post and TRONLE.


28 Dec 44


During the night, the brigade was assembled, according to orders, in the area of CHENOGNE in need for the attack against SIBRET and, together with the II battalion, took over the guarding of the sector from the southern edge of the forest north of MAGEROTE to MAGERY to LAVASELLE to the sector south and south east of BRUL. Formation shown on the sketch. According to the expectations, the attack launched during the morning did not get very far beyond the patch of woods one km south of CHENOGNE because the brigade was the only attacking unit area, against which the unit the entire enemy artillery and anti-aircraft fire of the enemy forces located in south of SIBRET was concentrated. The flanking fire from VILLEROUX had especially unpleasant effect. A little later, the enemy forces located in the area of SIBRET went over to the attack. Hard fighting went on during the entire day, during which the patch of woods south of CHENOGNE changed hands a number of times during this fighting a 105mm antiaircraft gun distinguished itself especially. During the entire day, this gun and its crew put enemy tanks at action, which were under heavy fire, and very close range along the southern edge of this patch of woods. The crew of the gun defended the gun in close infantry combat. It was not until 30 Dec 44 that this gun was rammed by an enemy tank while fighting.

That evening the Brigade reported that it was too weak to be able to carry out the attack order against SIBRET alone and that



a concentrated artillery support it on our part would be, at least, necessary to eliminate the enemy artillery. I was also especially bothered by the BOIS DE HAIES DE MAGERY, which had only been blocked hastily by an engineer company [26 VGD] under my command with roadblocks and a few minds.

I knew that only weak forces of the adjacent unit on my right, the 3 Pz Gren Div, had arrived.


29 Dec 44


The 29 Dec 44 was characterized by repeated enemy attacks on CHENOGNE from a southerly and southwesterly direction which was carried forward with a strong Artillery support. Penetrations which often got as far as a locale they were mopped up by counter thrust. At evening, the situation was about the same as that of the previous day. During the night, very bravely and skillfully carried out reconnaissance as far as into the patches of forest south and southwest of SIBRET reported the assembly of tanks and vehicles. The brigade calculated that 30 Dec 44 would bring rather strong enemy attacks supported by tanks.

Nevertheless, a renewed attack by the 3 Pz Gren div and the brigade in a southerly direction was ordered for 30 Dec 44. Specifically, the 3 Pz Gren Div was supposed to take VILLEROUX and to thrust onto ASSENOIS in order to affect a closing of the ring of encirclement around BASTOGNE and there with the I SS Pz Div. The Fuehrer-Begleit-brigade, subordinated to the 3 Pz Gren div, was to take SIBRET.


(Subordinated to the 3 Pz Gren Division)


And then to block off the road south of SIBRET leading onto Bastogne



to the west.

For the brigade, this attack had the disadvantage that, firstly, it meant a repetition of the attack attempted on 28 DEC 44 and would therefore have to meet up against a strengthen the defense and, secondly, that no notable artillery support of any kind could be promise to me besides that of my own battalion. In addition, the III Battalion, which was still located in the old line of security, was not my disposal for this attack. Only an elimination of the flanking pressure from VILLEROUX the row was to be counted on.


The plan of attack (see sketch) was as follows:


After the assembly had been completed during the night in the area of CHENOGNE, The II Battalion, together with an assault gun company, was to attack and take SIBRET from the northwest, was the woods south of CHENOGNE (circumventing this woods because of enemy artillery fire) with the right wing pressed along the BRUL sector and thereby open the crossings on the northern edge of SIBRET for the armored group thrusting afterwards. The armored group(armored battalion and mounted armored personnel carrier battalion) was to divide itself near FLOHAMONT and if necessary to support the attack of the II battalion on both sides of the BRUL Brook and then, however, to thrust through SIBRET in order to block the road leading from the stone to the southwest in the region of BELLE-EAU to the west and likewise the road leading to CLOCHIMONT. The gap arising between MANDE ST MARI E and SIBRET during the course of the attack was to be stopped up by assault gun battery and a light anti-aircraft battery. The artillery Battalion, which had previously been committed in the area of FLAMIERGE, changed its position



into the hollow south east of RECHRIVAL and was to support the attack with its foreign observers accompanying both combat teams by observed fire on SIBRET. No artillery preparation, but rather fire after the beginning of the attack on request. The battalion had already adjusted its fire on SIBRET. The heavy anti-aircraft Italian was likewise support the attack on SIBRET with airbursts and to combat targets which present themselves on the right flank. ( in addition, the heavy anti-aircraft battalion actually had the assignment of putting tanks out of action which had broken through in a sort of antitank position. )

The III battalion was to go on defending itself in the same sector as previously. A light anti-aircraft Anti-Tank battery was subordinated. An assault gun battery was kept back from the brigade in order to be committed with the III battalion in case of an enemy tank attack. The heavy infantry gun battery likewise had observation posts with the III battalion.


30 DEC 44


The attack was set for 0730 in order to steal the march on the enemy attack to be expected. According to experience, the enemy never attacked before 0900. The II Battalion, located in an advanced position, had, shortly before, captured the enemy security detachment just ahead of it (half way between CHENOGNE and FLOHAMONT). Forward brigade command post south of CHENOGE. Brigade command at RENUAMONT.

At the break of daylight, the II Battalion started out, will stop the armored group expanded toward the south, gaining ground south of CHENOGE. For the time being, the II battalion made good progress, however it gets stuck on the BRUL ditch just before SIBRET in infantry



Fire and well-placed artillery fire from SIBRET. The brave commander (Oakley cluster bearer, Major Mikley) was so badly wounded it that he died a short time later when he tried to pull his battalion forward again. (The commander of the I battalion was likewise put out of action by a traffic (?) during the previous night). As the fog lifted, the armored group, which was advancing on to FLOHAMONT, recognized two armored groups of about 30 tanks each advancing to the north. As far as I recall, the one was located in the area of MORHET, while the other was traveling in the direction of JODENVILLE. The armored group of the Brigade opened fire at once and put a number tanks at of action at once. Because it to our group was located on a slope and was very soon under heavy tank fire and concentrated, well-placed artillery fire, it disengage itself from the enemy, taking the II battalion with it, and continued to carry on the tank battle provide terrain between MAND ST MARIE and the patch of woods to the east, including the latter. The II Battalion, disengaging itself, alas, among the tanks(rather than to the side), at considerable losses. Four of our tanks were thereby put out of action. This tank battle, led inexorably on both sides, lasted about two to three hours.

I learned from an estimation of situation that our attack had been started at the same time as a very strong enemy attack, which apparently was supposed to lead to a retirement of our divisions fighting toward the west. The reinforced, concentrated enemy artillery fire, as well as a continuous bombing attacks and fighter-bomber attacks also indicated this.




I myself had thus far been with the armored group. When I noticed that an enemy task force was advancing to the north by way of LAVASELLE in the direction of RECHRIVAL, i.e., in the direction of our portly man line of security, I immediately drove with my command armored personnel carrier at through the BOIS DE VALLET to RANUAMONT, whether my Brigade staff had moved during the morning. During a short assessed discussion about commitment with my eye A, the first enemy tank already drove past my house, while the second covered at the church in HUBERMONT. The first was wiped out by an anti-tank grenade, while the second was forced to turn away to the south by fire. The assault gun company, which was still available, together with a few netted grenadiers, was sent out from MILLOMONT toward the southwest in order to block the road south of RECHRIVAL and likewise the sector between this road and the Bois de ballet. The artillery battalion located southeast of RECHRIVAL defended itself stubbornly with direct fire against attacking tanks. Three enemy tanks were thereby put that action. The successful assault gun company in the antiaircraft guns located on the edge of the body of a lag enabled the formation of a strong point light front by the II battalion by way of the southern edge of GERIMONT, ACUL, the hills south east of RECHRIVAL and the southern edge of the northwestern extension of the BOIS DE VALLET.

What I believe the danger point in the sector to have been cleared up, I drew back again to CHENOGNE. In the meantime, that locality had been turned into a pile of stones by continuous bombing attacks in concentrated artillery fire. I had just arrived in the southern most



House when a strong enemy tank attack by way of MANDE-ST MARIE against CHENOGNE, with flanking pressure against the northern hollow, was carried out. Because I encountered only a few of our damaged tanks and a few grenadiers' in the locality itself, which had affected a lodgment in the cellars in ruins of the locality, I considered the situation extremely critical. I was paralyzed myself for quite some time, as far as commanding was concerned, because an enemy tanks stopped a few meters from my house. It was nevertheless possible to send off to radio messages from the command armored personnel carrier, which was located in the dead space of the House. These messages were sent to the armored group: locality to be held to last man and the request for support to be sent to the 3 Pz Gren Div.

I wondered why and the enemy tanks and armored personnel carriers, which were manned by crews, did not take a locality, although they were hardly fired upon and all from the locality. As I later found out, are armored group had taken up the tank battle, standing around CHENOGNE in a semicircle and skillfully taking advantage of the terrain, because of the previous continuous bombing attacks on the locality, what the same time the tanks located on the northern edge of the woods south of CHENOGNE, as well as the heavy anti-aircraft battery located on the southern edge of the BOIS DE VALLET, were very effective. This battle is one of the toughest that the brigade experienced during the Ardennes offensive. The attack was repelled during the afternoon and CHENOGNE remained in our possession. In my opinion, the locality could have been taken by dismounted infantry company because a locality itself was




hardly occupied.

Our losses of men during the day were heavy, because the brigade had to organize itself for the defense from attack position under strong enemy pressure. Nevertheless, this day lead to the to the complete Defenses success to the will to fight in the bravery of the German soldier.

This success resulted in the enemy is losing about 30 tanks.

In my opinion, the enemy attack was set too rigidly against. It would no doubt have been had more success if the point of main effort of the attack had been with the combat Team advancing on RECHRIVAL, because this combat Team at practically thrust through the defense of the brigade near RECHRIVAL with its advance guard point while the bulk of the brigade was tied up in the battle around CHENOGNE. In addition, there was the fact that, as so often, the brigade was given time during the night to form a new defensive front without any disturbance. The oft-said sentence: “Lord let the evening come, then is the battle won,†proved true, even in this critical situation. The American force could have saved a lot of blood if had continued to exploit the success is of the day during the night. This and the proverbial dread of fighting in the woods were to certain factors which could be taken into account in formulating tactical measures. Both were things which astonished us Eastern-front warriors vary greatly.

The evening report of the brigade to 3 Panzer Gren Div expressed the fact that a repetition of attack on SIBRET could not be made with the means at our disposal, and that, on the other hand, all the forces the brigade would have to be concentrated in order to be able to



hold the front in case of further enemy attacks.


31 DEC 44


Subordinated to the XLVII Panzer Korps


During the night, the brigade was regrouped (see sketch). The three P's the Grand Division took over CHENOGNE. The boundary line ran about as follows: from the road crossing south of the BOIS DE HERBAIMONT to the eastern edge of RENUAMONT to the western edge of the BOIS DE VALLET to FLOHAMONT. Left boundary with the panzer layer Division: western edge of LAVACHERIE to the road fork east of the I ROMPRE to REMAGNE, not including the last.

Because all three battalions were equally exhausted from fighting in the relief of the badly hit II battalion could no longer be achieved on time, the decided to leave the front from GERIMONT to NISUAMONT to RECHRIVAL to the western tip of the BOIS DE VALLET, which was occupied only as a series of strong points, in its present grouping, despite the attack expected on the next day. The II battalion was reinforced with about 100 men. To this end, I credit for myself too strong tactical reserves with the mission of clearing up possible enemy penetrations by immediate counter thrust. For this purpose, the I battalion Anti-Tank Battalion were considered for the Eastern are RECHRIVAL sector, the sector including the point of main effort, and the II battalion and the assault gun battalion for the western sector. A heavy anti-aircraft battery was committed in the patches of woods north of REMUAMONT for a defense against enemy tanks which might break through to the north onto the main road. The heavy anti-aircraft battery committed in the area north of SPRIMONT was likewise ordered into such a position that it could fire on enemy tanks that had made penetrations, in addition to its air defense.




The II battalion was to send forth continuous reconnaissance in force in the direction of REMAGNE and into the BOIS DES HAIES DE MAGERY. Brigade command post and LAVASELLE, the forward command post near the armored group in FOSSET.

The relief in CHENOGNE was not ended until daylight. Enemy forces affecting a temporary penetration were turned back by tanks that were already advancing. During the course of the day, a number of attacks, which did not have the force of attacks on RECHRIVAL and PINSAMONT on the previous day, were repelled by the brave III battalion and by concentrated artillery fire.


1 JAN 45


During the night, the II battalion took over the sector from GERIMONT to PINSAMONT, together with the tactical reserve end TILLET, to which a battery of the assault gun battalion was brought up from AUDERLOUP. Reconnaissance in force the southeast was ordered sent out from TILLET.

The III battalion was reinforced by the company located in PINSAMONT. The extremely critical motor fuel situation (During the following day, the tanks had only enough motor fuel for a distance of 15 to 20 km at a times ) compelled the armored vehicles to keep close together. After counter thrusts had taken place, the tanks often had to be left up front in order not to use up motor fuel unnecessarily. All vehicles which were not combat vehicles were parked north of CURTHE.

After 0900, the enemy attack continuously with could tank support. Several enemy tanks which had broken into HUBERMONT and RECHRIVAL were put out of action in close combat by the brave men of the II battalion.



More tanks (about 8 ) were put out of action by the antiaircraft battery located in the patches of woods northeast of RENUAMONT. In HUBERMONT, the brave commander of the II battalion was killed in close combat. The toughly in except inexorably lead battle of this battalion, which had been facing the enemy without interruption since 19 Dec 44, created favorable conditions for the participation of the armored group, which through the enemy back into the jump-off positions.

PINSAMONT was lost. The company that was thrown out of that locale the belonging to the II battalion took up the fight anew on the ridge between ACUL and RECHARIVAL with its front to the southeast. A counter-thrust did not take place because PISAMONT was located far out from the general course of the front. A weak attack on GERIMONT was repelled.

In the sector of the adjacent unit to left, CHENOGNE was lost at one o’clock. As a result, the left wing of the II battalion was withdrawn in the evening hours to the hills south of MILLOMONT.


2 Jan 45


The withdrawal of the badly battered III battalion and its relief by the I battalion was ordered for the night. The III battalion was supposed to rest up in AMBERLOUP in order to occupy the right sector of the brigade, the southern part of the BOIS LA CHENAIE, on the following morning. By doing this, I wanted have the left sector of the brigade defended by the II Battalion, which was the most powerful. I knowingly forewent a rather strong tactical reserve commanded by the brigade in doing so, but ordered all Battalions to set aside at least 1/3 of their fighting strength as local reserves for immediate counter thrust. A




part of the armored group was also committed within the framework of the I battalion in such a manner that enemy tanks could be put out of action even before reaching the main line of resistance. In order to save blood, the heavy weapons thus became the mainstays of the defensive battle. At this time, the battalion had a fighting strength of about 150 men. Generally speaking, the rifle companies were 25 to 30 men strong during the course of the day all attacks on the left were successfully repelled without the occurrence of any penetrations. Several enemy tanks for put out of action north of the BOIS DE VALLET.

In the case of the II Battalion, GERIMONT was lost after a second attack. A further advance to the north was averted by the participation of an assault gun company.

3 Jan 45


On 3 Jan 45, no attacks worthy of mention took place. After 1000, the III battalion was in the position ordered. During the night, the expose elements of the II battalion in ACUL were withdrawn to CHENOGNE. The rumble of motors reported south of RECHRIVAL and the night was enter carpeted as the preparation of attack for the following day. ( relief of the 11th armored Division( US) by the seven Airborne Division).

At evening, the brigade had about 25 tanks and assault guns ready for action, 15 in repair, and about 15 to 20 tanks which were located on our road of advance, for the most part, with mechanical damages. The bulk of them could not be towed off as yet because no motor fuel was available for that purpose


4 Jan 45


On 4 Jan 45, there was only enemy patrol activity in the right



sector of the brigade. To the left, there was the successful defense against several attacks against HUBERMONT by means of antitank fire from the heavy anti-aircraft battery located in the patches of woods northeast of RENUAMONT. Taking into consideration the temporary enemy penetration in FLAMIERGE in the case of the adjacent unit to left, our own left flank was covered. Furthermore, and assault gun battery was temporarily given to the 3 Pz Gren Division. The antiaircraft battery mentioned above, which is known to have been under continuous enemy artillery fire, change position during the evening to the region of the southern edge of the BOIS DE HERBAIMONT. The Brigade command post was moved, according to orders, to ROUMONT. The forward command post remained in FOSSET.


5 Jan 45


On 5 Jan 45, an attack was made in the right sector on the III battalion. After all attacks had been repel during the day, the two companies located in the southern part of the BOIS LA CHENAMIL were captured, with about 60 men, during the evening hours. Only a few M.G. bursts were heard in the position was later found empty. Apparently, these companies had been attacked from the rear. Remains enigmatic why the enemy did not march further to the north through the forest. He could have hardly met up against any resistance there.

In this connection, it must be said that the enemy forces (in this case, the 87 Inf Div (US) fought very skillfully, as far as infantry was concerned. It was the only force for which we had respect, even during the night. In the area of TILLET, patrols were encountered behind our lines which shouted to our post, relief detachments, etc. in



German and thereby cause so many a surprise.



6 Jan 45


During the day, a number of attacks were made on TILLET in the sector of the II Battalion, the locality was held and hard fighting. East of TILLET, the enemy was able to gain several hundred meters. The brigade forewent counter thrusts south of the road from TILLET to LAVALLE, taking into consideration the enemy artillery superiority in fighter bomber attacks, which shattered every movement during the day in the open terrain. On the other hand, enemy forces which had temporarily advanced in TILLET and across the road from TILLET to LAVALLE were thrown back by counter thrust.

In order to save blood, the brigade ordered the II battalion, which was located in the open terrain, to take up reverse-slope positions if possible, in order to break up enemy attacks in front of our main line resistance by the fire of heavy weapons from the low ground. This also had the advantage that the enemy artillery could not hit our forward lines with observed fire. The experience of the last several days have shown that the enemy did not begin his attacks, as a rule, until after a rather long artillery preparation. Then, if the attack following it ran up against resistance, it was broken off at once. Then an artillery preparation began again, followed by an infantry attack. That was repeated a number of times during the day. It was not until almost no resistance took place from the MLR (main line of resistance) it that the enemy infantry went forward. Paralysis of our heavy weapons, especially of the artillery, was hardly brought about, however, except temporarily bite fighter-bombers. In view of



Shortage of ammunition of our artillery, the enemy infantry was supposed to be repelled with heavy losses by a battle from a reverse-slope position with Infantry and machine gun fire commencing suddenly at the last moment. The prerequisite for such a conduct of battle is, naturally, that the heavy weapons, especially the artillery, have good possibilities for observation into the terrain ahead from commanding points in the rear terrain.

Moreover, the command of the brigade was struck by the fact, during the last several days, that the enemy attacks were led in quite disorganized manner in suspect to time in place. For the most part, the sector of only one battalion was attacked. The explanation for this fact was to be found in the statements from prisoners of war, from which it was learned that the brigade had to enemy decisions before it which war apparently not under one command.



7 Jan 45


The 7 Jan 45 was again a very difficult day for the brigade. TILLET and the sector from RECHRIVAL to HUBERMONT to MILLOMONT were alternately attack. The attacks are again introduced by strong artillery and fighter-bombers attacks. All attacks on TILET and to the east of that locality were readily repelled. Toward evening, the enemy succeeded in penetrating into MILLOMONT from a southeasterly direction. In RENUAMONT, into which the enemy thrust immediately thereafter, a weak company about 20 men was put together and was on two farms. Although surrounded and repeatedly attacked, it was still fighting stubbornly and bravely at 0300. The entire armored group was in combat




And did have any more reserves at all. A company of about 25 men, which was quickly thrown together by the brigade, was set out during the night for the purpose of counterattacking. A detachment of the small unit, thrusting through the middle of the village, which was occupied by the enemy, succeeded in blocking off the village to the rear in an energetic night attack, while the rest of the company took one house after another, thereby relieving the company which was bravely holding out. Moreover, about a hundred and 40 prisoners were brought in. Despite the fact that the unshaken young company commander lost his right hand in close combat at the beginning, he led this undertaking to a full success in did not take leave from the Brigade until the following morning.

Apparently, this nocturnal attack must have caused a very great panic, because we were able to occupy HUBERMONT and MILLOMONT again almost without a fight. Taking the contact with the adjacent unit to the left into consideration, Korps permitted the MLR to be moved to a line from the southern edge of RENUAMONT to RECHIMONT to the southern edge of the patch of woods west of RECHIMONT. Weak outposts were left in from LAVALLE to HUBERMONT to MILLOMONT. This position meant a shortening of front and had better possibilities of the effect into the terrain ahead.



8 Jan 45


On a Jan 45, unsuccessful attacks are made on TILLET and positions east of it. In the area from MILLOMONT to HUBERMONT, only weak enemy scatting rates. A heavy anti-aircraft battery went into such a position north of OURTHE for the support of the artillery




Battalion, which was suffering from a lack of ammunition, that its artillery could fire into the area of the II battalion.


9 Jan 45

On 9 Jan 45, no attacks in the sector of the I and II Battalions. In the case of the III Battalion, the situation demanded a withdrawal of the front to the road from PIROMPRE to TILLET. ( reasons no longer remembered. ) during the night, the fighting strength of the rifle companies were brought up to 30 men, those of the heavy weapons companies to 80 men. Brigade found out that a withdrawal of the front was planned. The following lines are required and, according to orders, were improved by supply personnel that moved up:

1) TONNY to the southern edge of AMBERLOUP to FOSSET and toward MACRAVIVIER.

2) The hill northeast of the RAU sector to the road forked act the southern tip of the BOI SE DE HERBAIMONT.


10 Jan 45


Renewed attack on TILLET. During the evening, the locality was lost after a tough battle. In view of the withdrawal plan, no counter-attack was ordered. No attacks at all and the other sectors.


11 Jan 45


No special happenings. During the night, the brigade disengage itself from the enemy without interference and reached the area around WIMBAY to CENS to BERGUEME. The sky battalion occupied the line from east of LAVACHERIE to AVISCOURT to the road forks south of the BOIS DE HERBAIMONT with a few tanks.




During the night of 11/12 Jan 45, the brigade was released from the XLVII Pz korps and became an Army reserve.


/S/ Remer


Marion: Somehow the language in the above post, along with some misspelling and the ultra detailed accounts

makes me wonder. Even prior to a blank profile and your note: " Walt's Daughter

Your registry was approved this morning. It appears you tried to register twice under two different login names?!


Today, 11:52 AM

Does make one wonder if authentic. A General knowing about a 25 man counter attack team?


Marion: Somehow the language in the above post, along with some misspelling and the ultra detailed accounts

makes me wonder. Even prior to a blank profile and your note: " Walt's Daughter

Your registry was approved this morning. It appears you tried to register twice under two different login names?!


Today, 11:52 AM

Does make one wonder if authentic. A General knowing about a 25 man counter attack team?


Hi Joe ! Thefirst 3 lines of the above post makes me wonder why the U.S. Army would ask a german General to write something like that. and as you said, he makes precise accounts.

All those "towns " he mentioned. Sounds likea made up story. But I was in Italyso I wouldn't know that area. And I was kind of busy during that time. Talk to later Joe. Roque


Gentlemen and ladies:


One thing everyone has at their disposal in this day and age, is the ability to authenticate or dispel facts. The following information was found by doing a Google search (don't cha just love Google? :armata_PDT_01: ). The amount of information available about the general is EXTENSIVE, but I list a few links for everyone's convenience:






Oh, you'll just love reading this! I think this is ALL you will have to read by General Otto Ernst Remer. I know many of you will not be able to swallow a lot of this. The way he speaks of many topics and especially the Jews. There's one line where he says, "...We Germans did not have this hatred of Jews, of ordinary Jews. The Jews lived among us without any problem. We had the Nuremberg racial laws because we didn't want any racial mixing..."


An Interview with General Otto Ernst Remer

Conducted by Stephanie Schoeman








On this page it states, "A living legend, a hero among the neo-nazis of today, General Otto Ernst Remer..."

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Here's a good concise history of the general. Not someone you would like to invite to dinner!




You can read the entire page in a few minutes, but here's a key excerpt:


Remer's devotion to Hitler and the Nazi regime lasted long after the war, and he was sentenced to 22 months in prison in October 1992 for publicly denying the scope of the Holocaust, which was a crime in the newly reunited Germany. His arguments in a newsletter, that there was no historical basis for the accepted death toll figures of those killed at Auschwitz, and the method of execution (poison gas), were not considered by the court who refused to hear his testimony. He died in exile in Spain on October 4, 1997, aged 85.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hi Phil:


I guess we'd like to know a bit about you and your interest in WWII. It's always nice to have a little background on each of our members.




Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hi Phil:


I guess we'd like to know a bit about you and your interest in WWII. It's always nice to have a little background on each of our members.






Sorry for the confusion. This manuscript and others were collected by the US Army Europe for their historical and potential operational "lessons learned" value.

They were written by scores of German Officers still in US custody from 1946 to the early 1950's on a wide variety of subjects. Among the German Generals that contributed historical manuscripts were Field Marshal Kesselring and General-Colonel(General-oberst) Blaskowitz. The downside of the manuscripts is they were written from memory as the Germans had no access to documentary material. The translators were anti-Nazi or refugee Germans working for the U.S. Army and not professional translators familiar with American or German military terminology.

Some of the errors are due to my poor typing abilities and scanning a Xerox copy to word. I tried to correct these errors where I found them.


I presented this document as material for veterans and families of vets of the "battle of the Bulge." It was my hope that some insight as to what went on "on the other side of the hill" might be useful. The originals are on microfiche at the National Archives II at College park, Md. I live near the facility and I am a researcher. I am aware many are not as "fortunate" as I am to have such easy access to the archives due to distance. Therefore when I have something from there that might be of interest to all I post it on relevant web sites.


The material about Remer posted by others here is correct. Remer was privately and to his detriment publicly unrepentant about his loyalty to Hitler. He was expelled from the German Army “Grossdeutschland†veterans association.

I met Remer in 1990 while I was in the US Army in Germany. He was a tall man (I am 6’4†and he was as tall as me), very correct and spoke excellent English. I interviewed him about his war experiences. He knew I was an American serviceman but treated men with respect and responded truthfully I believe to my questions.

We did not discuss politics past or present as it did not interest me.


I am as mentioned above a US Army veteran and World War 2 history enthusiast. I can scan my DD-214 but forgive me if I blackout my social security number.

I am writing my own history of the 4th infantry regiment, 3rd division from 1917 to 1918.

I enjoy these veterans’ boards as they are a great source of information.


In any case I regret if I have disturbed the tranquility of this board. It was certainly NOT my intention.




Sorry for the confusion. This manuscript and others were collected by the US Army Europe for their historical and potential operational "lessons learned" value.

They were written by scores of German Officers still in US custody from 1946 to the early 1950's on a wide variety of subjects. Among the German Generals that contributed historical manuscripts were Field Marshal Kesselring and General-Colonel(General-oberst) Blaskowitz. The downside of the manuscripts is they were written from memory as the Germans had no access to documentary material. The translators were anti-Nazi or refugee Germans working for the U.S. Army and not professional translators familiar with American or German military terminology.

Some of the errors are due to my poor typing abilities and scanning a Xerox copy to word. I tried to correct these errors where I found them.


I presented this document as material for veterans and families of vets of the "battle of the Bulge." It was my hope that some insight as to what went on "on the other side of the hill" might be useful. The originals are on microfiche at the National Archives II at College park, Md. I live near the facility and I am a researcher. I am aware many are not as "fortunate" as I am to have such easy access to the archives due to distance. Therefore when I have something from there that might be of interest to all I post it on relevant web sites.


The material about Remer posted by others here is correct. Remer was privately and to his detriment publicly unrepentant about his loyalty to Hitler. He was expelled from the German Army “Grossdeutschland†veterans association.

I met Remer in 1990 while I was in the US Army in Germany. He was a tall man (I am 6’4†and he was as tall as me), very correct and spoke excellent English. I interviewed him about his war experiences. He knew I was an American serviceman but treated men with respect and responded truthfully I believe to my questions.

We did not discuss politics past or present as it did not interest me.


I am as mentioned above a US Army veteran and World War 2 history enthusiast. I can scan my DD-214 but forgive me if I blackout my social security number.

I am writing my own history of the 4th infantry regiment, 3rd division from 1917 to 1918.

I enjoy these veterans’ boards as they are a great source of information.


In any case I regret if I have disturbed the tranquility of this board. It was certainly NOT my intention. Phil


phil; Your explanation is OK with me. I get the picture. Just keep doing what you do in writing about WW 11. Look at PBS next Sept. 23. They are going to show an either a 12 or 18 hour movie in parts. I fought in No. Africa and Italy. Roque Riojas, (latino), 34th "RED BULL")divn.




Nice to meet you and thank you for taking interest in our forum. It's always great to have some fresh blood and learn yet another angle on WWII.


Hmmm, you got to meet the general huh? A real interesting character, and as you stated, an unrepetant one. Didn't make any bones about how he felt about the Jews, etc.


Keep on posting and I hope you enjoy your stay here. Oh, how did you find out about us?

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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