Please help us with this ...

Dear all.


I hope your feeling well.

Just a few minutes ago I received a phonecall from a man who lives in the neighbourhood of our village. He has made a little story for the newspaper regarding the place where he is living. He made it to the top 5! He created a walking tour and he included the monument of SSgt. Roy Booher and our website. We are searching for more people who will vote. I know it is in Dutch and you're not able to read the story but I would like to ask you if you'll vote on him. If you want to vote you'll have to go to the bottom of the page (I will include the link) and press the button "stemmen" (this is Dutch for "vote". You'll receive an email to confirm your vote. That is all.


Would you like to help him and give us some more publicity about SSgt. Roy Booher so the people will know why he gave all 65 years ago.


This is the link:


Best wishes,




I tried this morning. I think it went through, but I got some red-lettering when I put my email address in. Since I couldn't read it, I have no idea....



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hey Frank,


I voted this morning , I received an email to confirm my vote.






i tried, don't know if it went thru. I'll check on it this evening,


You can use google translation. Grammatically it's not so good but you'll understand it better ;).


Thanks a lot!!!!


Well I gave it a go Frank - lets hope it worked.



Update 24/3 - yes it did!


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