Some info on the cemetery...
Cemetery codes, including listing for Pietamala
US Military Cemeteries, Italy and Sicily
80. Cefalu, Sicily, 45th Infantry Division, II Corps, Seventh US Army, 24
July 1943, Provisional GR Platoon, 45th Infantry Division.
81. Coronia, Sicily, Seventh US Army, 16 August 1943, 48th QM GR CO
-One Platoon.
82. Gela #2, Sicily, Task Force Joss, Provisional Corps, Seventh US Army,
10 July 1943, First Platoon, 46 QM GR CO.
83. Licata #1, Sicily, II Corps, Seventh US Army, 11 July 943,
Headquarters and one Platoon, 48th QM GR CO
84. Palermo, Sicily, 2nd Armed Division, Provisional Corp, Seventh US
Army, 24 July 1943, 2nd Platoon, 48th QM GR CO.
85. Temporary US Military Cemeteries, established northwest area of
Sicily at Aqui, Dolci, San Stefano, Torina and Montevago, by the 45th
and 9th Infantry Divisions and the 82nd Airborne Division.
86. Avellion, Italy, 5th US Army Troops.
87. East Altavilla, Italy, 5th US Army troops.
88. Bari, Italy, primarily Army Air Corps Troops.
89. Castel Fiorentino, 5th US Army Troops
90. Follonica, Italy, 5th Army Troops
91. Maezanello Nuovo, 5th Army Troops
92. Mirandola, Italy, 5th Army Troops
93. Mariori, Italy, 5th Army troops
94. Mt. Soprano, Pastum, Italy, 5th Army Troops
95. Naples, Italy, 5th Army Troops.
96. Nettuno, Italy, 5th Army Troops.
97. Pietramala, Italy, 5th Army Troops.
98. R. Fratelli, Italy, 5th Army Troops.
99. Tarquinia, Italy, 5th Army Troops.
100. Vada, Italy, 5th Army Troops.
Vannulo, Italy, 36th Infantry Division, 12 September 1943 Assigned
Divisional Personal.