Here's the correspondence between Bill, Pete and myself.
Hi Peter:
Through the powers of the internet, Ms. Chard has been able to do in a few short weeks that I haven't been able to do in 60 years. I have gone from no contacts to at least four former unit members.
I was in Co "B" and have rosters of the H&S Co. and "B" Co. If you get a chance, drop me an E and let me know what Company your uncle was in.
Just a few notes: to the best of my knowledge, there were only three such regiments, the 1301st, 1303rd and 1306th, all of which had their basic training at Camp Ellis, Illinois..............went to Europe and served with Patton's 3rd Army and then shipped direct to the Pacific. While enroute, Pres Truman had the intestinal fortitude to use the BOMB, so we spent all of our time trying to get home.
Would be glad to hear from you and exchange information.
Bill Douglass Sr
What a pleasure to hear from you! My Uncle, Steve Paulson (Pawlikowski) was in D Co. He left behind a small album of photos, a diary and his prized possession; an accordion. Apparently, when he was in the Pacific, he was part of a band. I'll send you some photos after I've had a chance to scan them. One of his photos is of a person who looks a lot like Joseph Elias from Marion's website. I'll forward some pictures to her as well.
Pete Culos
Hi Peter: Thanks for the info and looking fwd to the pictures. There was very little interaction between companies,except when the entire regiment got together to build the President Roosevelt Memorial Bridge over the Rhine River at Oppenheim, Germany, A tremendous effort; a 2 way fixed bridge with 90' navigational span completed in 12 days and opening on April 12, the day the president died, hence the name.
Glad to have made contact with you and look fwd to additional meetings on the Net.
Best wishes
Bill Douglass
Bill and Marion,
Here are some photo's that I scanned. There are many more. I have the accordion and case that you see in the pictures. I'll have to get a photo of that as well. Enjoy!
Pete Culos
And my letter back to them. Here's the great twist to the whole thing too and you'll find out why I shared all of this with you in detail....
Dear Bill and Pete:
I am so delighted that by the grace of God, I was able to bring you together. I am just overjoyed this afternoon and share in your happiness.
Oh, but there is even more to share and the two of you won't believe this. Are you ready? When you are done reading this, tell me that this is just a mere coincidence!
About 4 or 5 days, my historian friend Richard Horrell, wrote to me for some assistance with a research project. He has a business, along with a website that is dedicated to performing research for individuals who are trying to find answers to their loved one's WWII histories. Anyway, he wanted to know if I had any photos of the Roosevelt Bridge. Off hand I didn't know if I hand any in my personal collection, but I sent him a few links hoping that I could help.
Well and you already know where I'm going with this now... I get this email from you today Pete, and included amongst the photos you sent me is yes, a photo of the ROOSEVELT BRIDGE. I have Goosebumps. I was so excited that I immediately typed a letter to Richard and sent him the photo. Tell me that someone isn't looking out for all of us.
I have had several coincidences like this one, but I think that this one takes the cake. I am just sitting here shaking my head in disbelief.
Well to a long and lasting relationship. I look forward to our continuing friendship Bill. And Pete, I look forward to getting to know you. Thank you for writing to me. It just keeps getting better and better all the time.
Hugs to you both,
PS. Bill thank you for your most kind words. Can't tell you enough how much you mean to me.
Marion's note: More photos coming in a just a few, but here is the bridge!