
Received this today:


Hi Marion,


I don't know if you can help me. I'm just beginning to track down information about my uncle's service in WWII. I know that he at one point belonged to the 591st Engineer Boat Regiment, thanks to a post card from the War Department that my mother kept. Was that part of the VI Corps? If not, do you know anyone I might contact about his unit? I'm confused about the various changes in the unit designation, and I am trying to determine if he followed through with the unit until his service ended. My next step is to enlist the help of his daughter in recovering his service records, but I don't know if that information will be included in them or not.






Thomas F. Tipton, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Dear Tom:


Thanks for writing. I get quite a few letters such as yours, inquiring about specific WWII engineer units. I've gotten to be quite a sleuth and really enjoy doing the research on the various units.


The 591st were not part of VI Corps, however I do have some information to give you. There are several pages in my Corps of Engineer book that contain data on the 591st. I will scan the pages for you and send them within this weekend. You may also want to peruse my Research Link on the forum. I would definitely contact the Army Corps of Engineers. They were extremely helpful to me. Most of the engineer units have folders containing data relating to service. Some contain inches of materials, while other may have very little information, but it's always worth a shot! If you do contact them, ask to speak to Michael Brodhead, head historian, and tell him that I sent you.



Research Suggestions on my forum


Various Links




This link will hopefully clear up any confusion regarding the various name changes





















I can hook you up with Dave Campbell. Here is a letter from him that was sent to me several months ago. I'm including his email address. Please let him know that I sent you. (left off for privacy)


I have been researching my late father's unit for the past few years. He was in the 591st ESB, 2756th Combat Engineer Battalion. I have just discovered your site and it is obvious you have done a tremendous amount of research. It seems the the 591st had a parallel history to the VI corps (North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, Rhineland and Germany.


I have just finished two of the books by Aaron Elson and looking for new reading material. I plan to use your recommended reading list next. If you happen to find any good references to my fathers units I would appreciate an email.


I have a copy of a book by Col. Allen which is a compilation of the 591st unit reports. I also found the website which you link to about the 1st ESB which became the 591st (this site has been static for a long time and they did not return my emails???). The lonesentry.com site also has some great photos.


Keep up the good work!


Dave Campbell






Allen, Thomas L. History of the 591st Engineer Boat Regiment. n.p., 1978? 328 p. #503-591.1978.



I hope you found this helpful. Please stay in touch and let me know what you find. I like to post results on my forum for it may help someone else performing a similar search in the future.



Warm regards,


Marion J Chard

Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek

VI Corps, 540th Combat Engineer WWII




Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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