
Thanks to the US Armed Forces, "The Reich" fell a bit faster ..... and deeper!


So my hat's off to all American and Allied soldiers playing their part in the downfall of that monster and his gangsters.




Amen to that Erwin! We can also give credit for the destruction of Germany to Hitler.... for ignoring the advice of his best field marshalls & generals and taking command of the war himself.



I didn't want to start a brand new topic for this so I will add to my previous comment to Erwin about Hitler.. After viewing the 3-part set Battlefield Russia..The Eastern Front, I learned of even more huge blunders by Hitler during the final weeks of April 1945. Instead of saving the few remaining armored and infantry divisions for the defense of Berlin, he sent them to Hungary and Czeckoslovakia instead!!!Can you believe it? This happened in April of '45!

Thank God he decided to make himself Commander and Chief of Germany's armed forces instead of appointing one of his brilliant Generals to the position! BTW...This 3-part DVD series would be enjoyable to you if you favor a more academic approach to military history and tactics, as it names each German and Russian division and the role each one played in the final battles between Hitler and Stalin's forces.


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