Engineers at Anzio?

Received an email from Captain John Fallon, 36th Combat Engineer, after he read John Eisenhower's book regarding Anzio. As many of you know, John is the son of General/President Dwight D Eisenhower.


Captain Fallon was mightily miffed upon completing his reading, and told me he would love to write to the author to give him a piece of his mind. Here is an excerpt from Capt's letter:


"...His opening is about the great way the port is being run and how great the operation was and he never once mentions the 540th Engineers who did a miraculous job in the port. He then tels us about how the 45th Div manned the Moletta River line and , yes, they did for a while until the 36th ECR took over for two months without relief. He does mention the 39th Engineers digging in the rear line and later when he says they took over for the 504th and then relinquished it to the FSSF. Again no 36th ECR. Toward the end he says that the FSSF manned the Mussolini Canal at the end when the map shows we were there and then he says that Captain Ben Souza of" Honolulu" made contact with the 48th ECB coming north Again no 36th ECR.


Then he admits that the 36th ECR was attached to the 36th ID but says that the 141st Inf Regt took Velletri..."


I wrote back to John this morning:


Dear John:


I feel your fury, but remember, engineers rarely get the credit they deserve. How many books have I picked up with NO mention of any of the VI Corps engineer units. You would think that they never existed!!! It is outrageous.


Most historians just focused on the prime units; infantry and armored, and little mention is made regarding any of the supporting units throughout the war. It is a rotten shame.


That is why it's important that my book and others like it are coming out. It is up to us to rectify this and give the engineers their due pat on the back and their rightful place in history.


It wouldn't hurt to write to John and fill him in on the VI Corps units. I'm sure he would be glad to hear from you. Tell him all you know, and give him our website too. I'm sure he'll be happy to fill in his knowledge and will be grateful for your letter.


Try this route; email the Dwight D Eisenhower library, and ask them if they would be willing to provide an address for John Eisenhower. It's worth a shot!


Go get im' boy,


Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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