Dusty had a car accident

Oh my God. I just got home, so didn't know about Cindy's son, Dusty. The irony. Here Dusty just completes his training and is awaiting assignment, and his other brother Taylor (Tay-Tay) is in Iraq. Poor Cindy has been frantically worrying about Tay-Tay and then right under our eyes in the States this happens. Please read and say prayers. I am in tears. Cindy and family, my heart goes out to you. Dusty, stay strong and get better soon. You are God's gift to many... :(




Taken from a post from Cindy on WBG's site...


I apologize for not knowing where to post this.. Dusty was in a very bad car accident tonite. He is in Intensive Care at a hospital at Ft campbell . He was getting a ride home from a Sgt and his wife who was driving I dont know a lot of details but there were fatalities I am pretty certain. It was very bad weather and there was a head on collision , so far he had to have his ear surgically rapaired , and was on his way for a ct scan etc so I am just here asking for a prayer for my little man, while I try really hard to compose myself enough to find a flight out. Unk I dont know how to do this one. There aint enoguh laundry or dishes to keep me in that other place. I want to get in my car and go , there are no damn flights until the am... I was lucky to find EB (Robert) and buckeye in the chat room and they gave me some advice about getting a flight and gave me a giggle or 2... So please if you say prayers add my little man.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I have copied this once again from WBG's forum, so everyone will know what is going on. I am happy to hear that he is recuperating. :pdt34:



Hello everyone Thank you so much for all the kind wishes and offers of help. It means so much. Dusty is snoozing for a bit so I thought I would drop a line. He really is doing good. Very sore but good. His ear is healing pretty well. The surgeon told us yesterday that when they brought him in she gave it a 50/50 chance it would work, it was hanging by a thread and had lost all circulation, but it is pinking up good we just have to keep it clean, and free of infection. So he is good to go. He is profiled until the end of the month for light duty So I dont know what they will do about processing him the 187. I am hoping they will move him to the newley reactivated 506. That would be something. It would make sense time wise with his profile etc but it if would make sense then I am sure it will go the other way..the Army way. Rick He didnt eat much hospital food, just the standard drip the first couple of days.. but he is getting his appetite back so I will try and fatten him up while I have him. Again my thanks for the support it could have been a lot worse, they tried to get a a flight for life the night of the accident but all helicopters were grounded due to the bad weather conditions, so it appears the weather was a big factor in the entire days events. The nurse told me honey he aint much to look at for the moment but he will be fine, and t hat is the most important fact. I am very grateful. He has a way to go but its all uphill from here Gotta run thanks again Hugs at all of ya


Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Marion I wanted to thank you for your sweet card. I have been online very little but I wanted you to know I appreciate your kind ways. He isdoing better every day in fact I have to return him tonite and from there I am not sure what will happen. He sees the surgeon again Tuesday but overall he is good. He just seems very tired, I hope its just t he fact that when they have the chance to sleep more they do and not that he had such a bad concussuion but overall he is a very lucky young man. I will havet o let you in on some details later that just have me fuming. In regards to the kind woman who offered them a ride....you cant say curse words here so I will tell ya later.I have to run for now but again thank you for so much kindness Youre as always sweet Marion. Love ya Cindy




It is so good to hear from you and it certainly good news that Dusty is recovering. Thank God! -o-


Your family is in my heart and prayers every day. I can't imagine what you were going through when you heard the news. :( You must have been out of your mind with worry.


How did Sadie take all this and when did she get to see her uncle for the first time? That had to lighten Dusty's spirits when he saw her.


Just take your time now and we will get a chance to exhange email when things settle down. I should probably get your phone number so we can just chat sometime. I think it would take a lot less energy than for you to have to sit and think and write it all down. Let me know. I would love to be able to call you. We can exchange hugs through Ma Bell. :pal:


From what I've read on WBG, Dusty is really surprised by the outpouring of good will. He shouldn't be. The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree! :rolleyes:


God bless and keep you and Dusty. Love ya lots! :heartpump::heartpump:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Sent to me today by Cindy.


This is the article that was in the newspaper. Dusty is very lucky to be alive. He is doing better each day. He still has some trouble from the concussion but he is coming along. I just hope he has learned a valuable lesson in this. They are still a little green and thought because a Sgt befriended them and offered them a ride that he had a designated driver that was not drinking but she was, and they could have lost their lives for that error in judgement.Dusty and the woman on the other vehicle were the criticals that they wanted to airlift out . His ear was severed but they were able to reattach it , and broken ribs , nose, severe concussion, His ear looked pretty good when I left , the concussion seems to be getting better, so its just time now. The woman who was supposed to be the Sgts wife wasnt his wife...it gets uglier. her husband is deployed in Iraq at the moment. so thats that. Sorry I didnt get in touch with everyone when it happened it has been a taxing time. I ended up spending 9 days at Ft Campbell looking after him. They released him from intensive care to my care which was a little nerve racking. But he is doing better. So thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts. Cindy


Sept. 25, 2005


Clarksville police say that alcohol could be a factor in a head-on collision which injured four people — two critically — about 7 p.m. Sunday on Tiny Town Road near Peachers Mill Road.

According to Capt. Gary Perry with the Montgomery County Emergency Medical Services, a woman driving a black Nissan pickup truck collided with a silver Mitsubishi sports utility vehicle.


It took crews with the Clarksville Fire Rescue nearly an hour to extricate the woman from the SUV because of apparent severe breaks to her legs.


"Actually, she was underneath the dash, and we had to basically remove the entire vehicle from around her," Perry said. "She was just in a lot of pain and very disoriented."


According to Fatal Accident Crash Team Officer Mike Caver, there were three males — all soldiers at Fort Campbell — in the Nissan driven by Mary Sharp, 44, of White Oak Drive.


Sharp, and two of the soldiers, Dustin Schmidt, 26, and Christopher Mitchell, 22, were taken to Blanchfield Army Community Hospital at Fort Campbell.


A third soldier, 34-year-old Bradley Johnson, walked to his home nearby and was later driven to Blanchfield later by an acquaintance.


The driver of the SUV, Tanyan Hammond, 41, of Trenton Road, was transferred to Gateway Medical Center with nonlife-threatening injuries.


Perry said evacuation helicopters were grounded because of the weather.


"We called Vanderbilt LifeFlight, but because of the rain and heavy winds, they were unable to fly," he said.


During the extrication, two firefighters were injured when hydraulic fluid from the "Jaws of Life" splashed into their eyes. They were treated at the scene.


According to passengers in the pickup truck, Sharp hit a puddle of water near a construction area and crossed the double-yellow line when she hit Hammond's vehicle, Caver said.


"There were toxicology tests on both drivers at the scene, and a preliminary investigation has determined that alcohol was a factor," he said.


Charges are pending in the case, according to Caver.


Perry said EMS crews were busy Sunday evening because of the demand of ambulance services throughout the county around the same time.


"We really got bombarded there for a while, but we managed it," Perry said.


Fatal Accident Crash Team Officer Bob Peterson and Caver are the lead investigators of the accident, which is still under investigation.


Anyone with information about the accident is encouraged to call Caver at 648-0656, ext. 7060.



Chantal Escotocan be reached by telephone at 245-0216 or by e-mail at chantalescoto@theleafchronicle.com.


Originally published September 26, 2005

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Thanks Marion I hope the woman rots in hell. She could have cost my son his life, He is a grown man but his mistake was thinking his NCO was watching out for him and that the Designated Driver was that but she wasnt...Dusty never even met her . he assumed she was not drinking..first mistske trusting the Sgt becasue he was a Sgt and they look out for the Privates , second was assuming she was sober never assume you know how that goes. He is lucky to be alive and I am grateful to be able to make that statement I could have been burying my son thanks to her disregard for human life. Sorry for the rant


Can't say I blame you Cindy. Knowing how much you care for sons from my time I WBG, you must have shook up when you got the word. Hopefully he has a full recovery and they smoke the beee-atch !.




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