Jim Dunigan - U.S. 3rd Inf Div (Reenacted)

Received this letter last night. I placed his link on our site this morning.


Hello Marion,


My name is Jim Dunigan III, I am the NCOIC(Non-Commissioned Officer

In Charge) of Able Company, U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment, U.S. 3rd

Infantry Division(Reenacted) from Savannah, Georgia. Myself and a

friend started the living history/reenacting unit in the Summer of 1998.


We dedicate our time to the courage, bravery, lineage and history of

not only the U.S. 30th Infantry but, of the U.S. 3rd Infantry

Division as well and we would like to extend a welcome if you like,

to post our website on your site. Our address is:




Our website has numerous attributes to help the public learn about the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division and the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment, the "forgotten regiment" of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division.


We have the following sections set up as learning tools for the

public: Commanding Officers, Weapons of the Company, the most concise

history of the U.S. 3rd Infantry Division but, moreover the U.S. 30th

Infantry Regiment from its beginnings during the War of 1812 to the

present day, Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients...etc...


Thank you for your time,

Sgt. James Dunigan III

Able Co., U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment

U.S. 3rd Infantry Division(Reenacted)

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

That'd beez us...LOL... B);):D


Thanks Marion,



Sgt. James Dunigan III

Able Co., U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment

U.S. 3rd Infantry Division(Reenacted)


Hey was just looking at your site some more this evening and saw my link. Wow, thanks! B)

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I copied this from your page. Thought a lot of people would like to see this comprehensive list.


Basic Entry Level Kit:


This is the basic entry level kit for the U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment, Co. A



(1) M-1 "Steel Pot" Helmet (Fixed Bale)

(1) OD, Overseas Cap w/ blue piping

(1) OD, Wool Knit, Cap("Jeep Cap")

(1) M-1941 Field Jacket

(1) OD, Wool, Enlistedmens Service Shirt

(2) OD / White, Cotton Undershirts

(1) M-1937, OD Wool, "Mustard / Light shade", Field Trousers

(1) OD #3, Service Trouser Belt w/ Open Faced Buckle

(1) M-1938 Leggings, Dismounted

(4) OD Wool, Socks, Cushioned Soles

(1) Boots, Service, Russet Smooth Out

(1) (M-1)Garand, U.S. Rifle 30 Cal. M-1 w/ M-1907 Leather Sling

(1) (M-1906) 16" in. Bayonet w/ OD Bakelite Scabbard

(1) M-1910/1928 Haversack w/ "Meat Can" Pouch and Daiper

(1) M-1942 Mess Kit w/ Fork, Knife and, Spoon

(1) M-1910 Canteen w/ Cup and Cover

(1) M-1910/1942 First Aid Pouch w/ Carlisle Bandage (Red Tin)

(1) M-1910 T-Handle Shovel w/ Carrier

(1) M-1910/1923 Cartridge Belt

(1) M4A1 Gasmask w/ Bag "Kidney Bag"

(1) M-1940 Dog Tag Chain

(1) M-1910/1941 Shelter Half w/ Folding Tent Pole, guy rope and Five Tent Pegs

(2) Dog Tags

(1) "Soldier's Handbook"(FM-21-100)

(6) C-Rations((2)B, (2)D, and (2)M Units)





Detailing the Basic Infantrymens Impression

ca. 1939-1943




Here are the items to further your impression for Able Company, U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment during the Second World War




Helmets and Caps:

(1) M-1917A1 "Kelly" Helmet

(1) M-1 "Steel Pot" Helmet (Fixed Bale)

(1) OD, Enlistedmens, Dress Service Cap

(1) OD, Overseas Cap w/ blue piping

(1) OD, Garrison Cap

(1) OD, Campaign Hat

(1) OD, Wool Knit, Cap ("Jeep Cap")

(1) Khaki, Garrison Cap


Field and Dress Jackets/Blouses:

(1) M-1941 Field Jacket

(1) Overcoat, Winter, Dismounted

(1) M-1939, Dress Blouse, Four Pocket

(1) M-1939, Denim, Working Fatigue Shirt*

(1) M-1939, Dismounted, Service Raincoat

(1) M-1942, Combat, Winter Jacket

(1) M-1939, Mackinaw Service Coat


Field and Dress Shirts:

(2) OD, Wool, Enlistedmens Service Shirts

(2) Khaki, Dress Service Shirts

(4) OD/ White, Cotton, Undershirts


Field and Dress Trousers:

(2) M-1937, OD Wool,"Mustard/Light Shade", Field Trousers

(2) M-1939, Denim, Working Fatigue Trousers*

(2) Khaki, Service Trousers

(4) OD, Drawers, Cotton Service

(1) M-1942, Combat, Winter, Trousers "Tanker Bibs"


* Optional: Secondary choice pending unit requirements is the M-1941 1st Pattern HBT Fatigue Uniform....

(1) M-1941 1st Pattern HBT Jacket

(2) M-1941 1st Pattern HBT Trousers


Field and Garrison Accessories:

(1) OD, U.S. Army Issued Footlocker

(2) Denim, Brracks Bag

(1) OD, Bag, Duffel

(1) Service/Garrison Belt "Sam Brown"

(4) Cotton, Service, Socks

(4) OD Wool, Socks, Cushioned Soles

(4) OD, Hand Towels

(4) OD, Huck, (large) Towels

(2) OD #3, Service Trouser Belt w/Open Faced Buckle

(1) U.S. Army Time Piece

(1) OD, Wool, Scarf

(1) OD, Sweater, V-Neck, Five Button

(1) "Soldiers Handbook" (FM-21-100)

(1) Gilette Shaving Kit**

(1) Personal Journal**

(1) Cigarettes(Pal Mal, Camels, Lucky Strikes, Chesterfields...etc...)**

(1) Match Case(V-Bonds...etc.)**

(1) M-1937/41 Pattern Zippo Lighter**

(1) Book**

(1) Instrument(something small...Harmonica...etc...)**

(1) OD, Wool Service Blanket

(1) OD, Wool Service Ground Cloth

(1) Tooth Powder

(1) Foot Powder

(1) Toothbrush

(1) Shaving Brush

(1) Toilet Paper Roll

(1) Bar of Soap

(2) Khaki, Service Ties

(2) 1/4" in. Helmet Nets*

(3) Magazines**

(1) "Housewife" Sewing Kit:


-Nail File






-Safety Pins


-Thread Spools

(2) Dog Tags

(1) M-1940 Dog Tag Chain**


** Private Purchase Item

* Optional



(M-1)M-1903 Springfield w/ M-1907 Leather Sling

(M-1)Garand, U.S. Rifle 30 Cal. M-1 w/ M-1907 Leather Sling

(M-1906) 16" in. Bayonet w/ OD Bakelite Scabbard

(M-1918/1918A2) Browning Automatic Rifle w/ M-1907 Leather Sling

(M-1) Carbine w/ OD# 3 Khaki Sling***/****

(M1A1/M-1928A1) Thompson Sub Machine Gun w/ OD# 3 Khaki Sling***

(M-1911/1911A1) Colt .45 Cal. Pistol***

(M-1918) Trench Knife***

(M-3) Sub-Machine Gun "Grease" Gun****

(M-3) Fighting Knife***


*** These weapons are for Sergeants and, above....you would not see these weapons in the hands of T/5 Cpl.'s, Cpl's, or even Pfc.'s....

**** These weapons in the front line "Leg" Infantry are limited in quantity, not widely seen, usually issued to rear echelon/ support units for self-protection.



(1) M-1938 Leggings, Dismounted

(2) Boots, Service, Russett Smooth Out



(1) M-1910/1928 Haversack w/ "Meat Can" Pouch and Daiper

(1) M-1942 Mess Kit w/ Fork, Knife and, Spoon

(1) M-1910 Canteen w/ Cup and Cover

(1) M-1910/1942 First Aid Pouch w/ Carlisle Bandage (Red Tin)

(1) M-1910 T-Handle Shovel w/ Carrier

(1) M-1910/1923 Cartridge Belt

(1) M4A1 Gasmask w/ Bag "Kidney Bag"

(1) M-1926 Life Belt**

(1) M-1910 Pickmattox*


* Only two per squad....

** Used only for river crossings and, invasion landings....



(1) M-1910/1941 Shelter Half w/ Folding Tent Pole, guy rope and Five Tent Pegs



(1) M-1941 Coleman Stove**

(6) C-Rations((2)B, (2)D, and (2)M Units)*

(6) K-Rations((2)Breakfast, (2)Dinner, and (2)Supper)*


* The individual soldier was issued only six of either the "C" or the "K" Rations for a period of three days rations and 3,000 calories. The C-Rations came in a gold...almost standard household can while the K-Rations came in a waxed box...both were basically the same only the K-Rations were made smaller to be compact and, light to make it easier for the individual soldier to carry more.

** Only two per squad.....







Items Pertaining to Late War Impression

ca. 1943-1945



Helmets and Caps:

(1) M-1 "Steel Pot" Helmet (Swivel Bale)

(1) M-1943 Field Cap


Field and Dress Jackets/ Blouses:

(1) M-1943 Field Jacket

(1) M-1944 "Ike" Eisenhower Dress Service Jacket


Field and Dress Trousers:

(2) M-1939, OD Wool "Dark Shade" Service Trousers

(2) M-1943, Field Service Trousers



(2) M-1944 Combat, Service Boots

(1) Shoepacs



(1)(M-1906E5) M-1942 (Cut-down) 10" in. Bayonet

(1)(M-1943) Manufactured 10" in. Bayonet



(1) M-6 Gasmask w/ Bag

(1) M-1943 Folding Shovel w/ Carrier

(1) M-1944 General Purpose Bag/ "GP" Bag

(1) M-1943 Rubberized-Poncho

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hey was just looking at your site some more this evening and saw my link.  Wow, thanks!  B)

Your welcome Marion. Anytime for a Corps. sister! B)





Sgt. James Dunigan III

Able Co., U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment

U.S. 3rd Infantry Division(Reenacted)


Hey Jim:


Found an S-3 report from March 25th, 1945 that I think will be of specific interest to you. This is just one of thousands of pages that I received from NARA on my dad's unit. I only have a few pages scanned and uploaded to the web at present.


This one deals with the Rhine River Crossing. Read on down because you will find mention of your beloved 30th Infantry Div. My dad's unit was working right there with them. I just love these reports.



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hey Marion,


That is too cool, the ole' venerable 30th Infantry giving Infantry support how about that!! NICE!!! :pdt34::pdt34::pdt34:


The US 30th Infantry Reg't. was the spearhead for the 7th Army's Rhine River Crossing, the US 30th Infantry crossed on March 15th, 1945. Another neat attribute of the US 30th Infantry's crossing is that they pulled the 3rd Infantry Division out of the line and moved them under the cover of night to the Zweibrucken area and to mask the unit markings all units were ordered to cover with coal tar their insignia as to not give away their position.




Yup now everyone, never forgot how y'all got across the Rhine! Compliments of MY BOYS! :pdt34::pdt12::pdt12:
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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