Dear Capt'
It is really hard for any of us to grasp. Unfathomable is a word that quickly comes to mind. While many back in the 30's and early 40's here in the states, certainly didn't prescribe to Hitler's mindset, they nonetheless were certainly oblivious to it.
My bedside book is Reporting WWII - Part One: American Journalism 1938-1944. Within this book are so many fascinating articles by a number of top-notch reporters/writers. Many of them touch on the fanaticism of Europe in those days. Several of them lament on the "goings-on", and report it back to the American people. But, the fact is, it was so difficult for the average person to understand and GET what true Nazism was all about.
So many poo-pooed the reports and were basically in disbelief. How can one fathom such events? How could you imagine those things? Many just thought that Hitler was an ego-maniac and a little land would appease him. It's too bizarre and too deranged to comprehend. If your heart doesn't feel that kind of evil, then it's too incredible to think that someone could actually BE this way.
Unfortunately, when they stood by and said, it will be okay, and it can't be true, we were simply allowing it to occur. How many times has this repeated itself? Far too often! That is why it is so important that people DO NOT forget WWII. Many scoff that it couldn't happen again, but they are just as guilty if they turn a blind-eye. Many people here in America right now think we are being too obsessed with homeland security. Oh dear, nothing could happen here, they cry. They have ALREADY forgotten about 9-11! But if something were to occur tomorrow, they would be the first to say, "Why didn't our government DO something?"
I would love to sit a group of "the naive" in a room, then burst in and start grabbing a few at random and taking them away. What, what is going on? Wouldn't that FREAK them out? Just declare that white Episcopalians were under scrutiny, and that it was for the good of the country and the government. What the hell would happen? How would people feel about this violation today? Well it's the same thing that happened to the Jews in Europe several decades ago.
How would each of us feel this evening if five men in black coats burst into our homes at dinner and took us away. No warning, and no logical reason? It is haunting to think about!!!
Well it did happen and it can happen again. God help us if we didn't learn anything the first time around...