He sent me the Anzio story tonight through email. Tell me this isn't a precious and one of a kind moment from the war??!!! 

Dear Marion,
It was great speaking with you today and I'm sending you the Great Stakerace now before I get to copy the history which should be done in a couple of days.
About the fourth day after landing on the Anzio Beachhead we
relieved the 179th infantry and took up their positions. After about
five or six days we were relieved by the SSF ( First Special Service
Force) and dug in a defensive line along the Mussolini Canal.
The Mussolini Canal was dug to drain the Pontine Marshes so that
the land could be used for farming and small towns. The earth that
was dug up was piled on one side of the canal and created a bank
or a berm which was about 9 or 10 feet high and about 15 or so
feet thick.
Two men would dig a dugout which was shored up by whatever
fenceposts or other wood that we could find and had a roof of about
5 feet of earth which protected us from anything but a direct hit.
Tony and I dug ours and even lined it with burlap. We slit open
sandbags and used the material like wallpaper.
Close to our dugout was one which held Fred Stuart and Danny
Stiglitz. Now Stuart was a bit older than Tony and I and he liked
Tony. One day he asked me if I would object if Tony and Danny
traded places. I didn't mind so we swapped partners. Fred Stuart
had two gold teeth in the front of his mouth and we jokingly took to
calling him "Copper Tooth." He had a sense of humor and didn't
seem to mind.
One of the guys in the company found this horse, a brown mare
with only one eye. Old Coppertooth ( he must have been about 28)
was a farmer and knew how to care for animals so he was given
the horse.
As long as we were down behind the bank the Germans couldn't
see us so he used to ride the horse when he had a spare moment.
He told us that the horse could run like the wind. He used the
company's commander's jeep to measure off a 1/4 mile stretch and
drove a fencepost to mark the end. He used to run the horse there
and the horse knew just where to stop and turn around.
The SSF which was just off to our left had also found a horse.
Their horse had a 50 caliber slug in him which some of the
farmboys got out and nursed him back to health. Since we used to
go out on patrol with the SSF the word got out that we had a
racehorse. The SSF boys thought that their horse was much
faster than ours.
So...........................one day one of them came over and
challenged us to race our horse against theirs. Coppertooth
conferred with Tony and they thought that with our horse we could
win very easily and make some money ( We hadn't been paid for
several months ). So Tony came over to me and said, "Wag,
you're a darn good talker so you go around and collect the bets
from all the men in "F" Company.
I did and collected over $500 that would be bet on the race. That
was a lot of money.
When the race was all set to go off, the guy from the SSF insisted
that a 1/4 mile run was not long enough and should be at least 1/2
mile long. So a jeep was used and 1/2 mile was measured off.
The two horses were at the starting line and one of the guys pulled
his .45 and fired the starting shot. Our mare took off like greased
lightning and left the other horse behind. We ( F Company ) were
already counting our winnings and congratulating one another.
However......strange things happen and they surely did that
morning. Our horse had a fantastic lead but when he got to the
place where he stopped every day and turned around, he just
stopped and refused to go any further. The SSF horse just
breezed on by and won the race.
With a heavy heart I had to turn the money over to the SSF. And
when all the guys in F Company complained to me I told them to
go talk to Coppertooth and Dickherber, I was just a bookkeeper.
This story has been told and retold at our annual reunions for
many, many years. It was just one of the crazy things that Tony
Dickherber and I got involved in.
David N. Wagner
39th Combat Engineer Regiment