Help with Spam-the edible (?) one

I have a collection of WWII ration cookbooks and I am planning a gathering based around the food and music of the homefront. I was going to do the front, but I thought my guests would buck huddling in foxholes and cooking over a small camp stove.

I want to serve spam, since it seems to have been a fairly integral part of the diet, but I'm not sure of different ways to prepare it. Any ideas? Somewhere I saw a picture of spam slices surrounding stuffing. I might do that. Also any other meat ideas?


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I deleted the quote which was here because it came from the post right above. Hey gang, just a kind reminder, please use the ADD REPLY button when replying to a post right above yours, not the " Reply. The ADD REPLY button is right next to the NEW TOPIC button.


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If you're doing this per the front, spam is eaten right out of the can with a metal

spoon. kinda hard and for c-rations, get small cans of veg. soup. put

them in the frig. and let 'em eat it cold. get the picture??

Hey Joe, Sgtleo, What did you guys do?? Roque


SPAM! SPAM! Spam! A La "Monty Python"!


Spam was a necessary food in my Uncle Johnny Harrington's house. Johnny was 82nd ABN vet and LOVED it! His 6 children still talk about Spam.


My Dad would get "spam cravings" periodically. There was always a can in the cupboard

and I recall my mother frying it up for him with butter and serving it with hash browns.

My brother Fran liked it, but not me!


The other thing my father crave was "hash". Does anyone make hash anymore?





Our cafeteria at work has hash friday morning and it draws a crowd.


I've gotten some interesting responses when I ask older folks about how they made spam during the war. One person said as a kid his mother would pour just a tiny bit of maple syrup on it, thats why Rocky couldnt have any on his pancakes, cause some bratty kid in CT ate it all. The one that intrigues me is spam with red cabbage and apples. That actually sounds good.

When I was in college, we would entertain ourselves with different foods you could make with spam: Spam Wellington, sweet and sour spam ,,,,


Actually spam was kinda a treat. Our usual diet was K and C rations with a occasional D bar. Even getting a can of spam was a treat. Cold or maybe hot. But it tasted like all meat. Not hash with some meat, beans with some meat, or stew with some meat. Even now I eat a can occasionally in a sandwitch

with just mustard, or chunks on saltines.


Hey Joe:


You know I can't honestly remember the last time I had SPAM. We sell it in our country store, so I should have some at lunch one day. When I eat it, I will hold my cracker high and toast all you guys! :drinkin:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I fried it up with some musrooms and tossed it with fresh noodles and a white sauce. Then I baked it. It wasnt bad. I can remember as a kid eating it fried with eggs.

In college, after having a few drinks, we decided we would start a restaurant called "International House of Spam" and have dishes like Spam Wellington, Moo Goo Gai Spam, Spam Kebabs......

We'd like to make a reservation for two Sunday night at 7:00... :frown:
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Sweet and Sour Spam, Spam Paprika, Spam ala Kiev (still figuring out how to get the butter in the middle) General Tso's Spam, Southern Fried Spam. I went to see "Forrest Gump" with two college friends and when they started naming all the ways they could prep Shrimp, we got hysterical.

What kind of wine would you serve with spam?


Spamante! :drinkin:
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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