138th ENGR Combat Battalion

Hello I am looking for information of the 138th ENGR Combat Battalion.


Hope someone can help.

I have adopted a grave from soldiers who belongs to this battalion.

But I don’t find something what’s brings me some news/info about this battalion.


regards Danny Janssen


Well I am sitting in an airport right now, so don't have access to any of my books, etc., but here is a contact for the 138th. Mind you, I do not know if this is WWII or Korean War, but it's worth a shot.


138th Engineer Combat Battalion

Mr. Randall Bender

(970) 330-2515


Also found a couple of email addys. Don't know if these are current or not, but again, worth a shot:





138th Eng Combat Bn, WWII: Fred Walker (717) 748-2849


Let me know what happens. :armata_PDT_01:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hello Walt daughter thanks for the info but the E-mail address are not active


And this info


138th Engineer Combat Battalion

Mr. Randall Bender

(970) 330-2515


And I have now idée how to get in contact with this person.


Regards Danny and thanks for your help.


Hi Danny, thank you for caring for a grave of one of our fallen soldiers.

There is not much info on the 138th availible in my usual sources. I did find they were a unit of the 9th U.S Army but no indication as to Corps assignment. The 138th has Credits for Central Europe & Rhineland campaigns & Occupation of Germay from 2 May - 27 Dec `45.


The first responsibility for Ninth Army, upon its arrival on 5 September was to take part in the final reduction of the German forces holding out in the French port of Brest. After the surrender of the town fifteen days later, Ninth Army was sent east to take its place in the line. It came into the line in between Third Army and First Army.


In November, Ninth Army was shifted to the very left flank of 12th Army Group. It undertook operations to close the front up to the Roer River. December 16 saw the opening of the last great German offensive of the war, the Battle of the Bulge. Ninth Army was isolated from the headquarters of 12th Army Group, and it was thus placed (on December 20[1]) under the command of General Bernard Montgomery's 21st Army Group along with First Army, despite opposition from General Omar Bradley. Simpson reoriented his command quickly to help in the reduction of the salient that the Germans had created. Many of Ninth Army's units passed to the command of First Army, which was doing the main work of reducing the German salient from the north. In the meantime, the remainder of Ninth Army continued to hold the line along the Roer. When First Army and Third Army had finished reducing the salient, First Army returned to the command of 12th Army Group, but Ninth Army remained under the command of 21st Army Group for the remainder of the Rhineland Campaign.


Late February and Ninth Army launched Operation Grenade, which was the southern prong of a pincer attack coordinated with Canadian First Army's Operation Veritable, with the purpose of closing the front up to the Rhine. By 10 March, the Rhine had been reached in all sectors of Ninth Army's front. It was not until after 20 March that Ninth Army units first crossed the Rhine itself. However, after doing so, the Army quickly struck east around the north of the Ruhr. An enormous pocket soon formed containing the German Army Group B under Model. By 4 April, Ninth Army had reached the Weser and was switched back to 12th Army Group.


The end was now clearly in sight, and as part of Ninth Army, along with the newly arrived Fifteenth Army, reduced the enormous Ruhr Pocket, other elements reached the Elbe on 18 April. 2 May saw the whole of Ninth Army's front reached the agreed demarcation point with the Russians, and the advance ceased.


Thanks for this info so if I read it correct the 138th engr was a subdivision of the 9th army.

so i wil start to search from tere.


Regards Danny


Hi Danny,


Let me know what specific information about the 138h ECB that you need to find and I will see if I can find the answers in a book about this unit during WWII.






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