New here!

Here are some more pics of my current project. It is a B-24D and really the biggest challenge I've taken on in a while.


More here:


Well, I've finally made some more progress on my B-24. Let me tell you, it's been a painful learning experience.


What have I learned?:

1) Stick to Armor models!!

2) If you do a plane, don't do one with so much damn glass! (B-29's are right out!)

3) If you use Future floor polish as a clear coat your decals are supposed to go on better.

4) Future floor polish radically alters (darkens) your paint job.

5) Decals don't necessarly help decals stay down.

6) Solvaset will melt your decals if you use too much.

7) Stick to armor models!!


Here are some pictures:





I'd like to say that paint chipped effect was something that was intended, but alas. . .




I still have my props, landing gear, and weathering to go. If all goes well (at this stage,) the props should distract people from the other less successful parts of the model (more to come later on that.)

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Hi Boely,


everyone here is very kind and very helpful.

hope to hear more from you.




Well, I've finally made some more progress on my B-24. Let me tell you, it's been a painful learning experience.


What have I learned?:

1) Stick to Armor models!!

2) If you do a plane, don't do one with so much damn glass! (B-29's are right out!)

3) If you use Future floor polish as a clear coat your decals are supposed to go on better.

4) Future floor polish radically alters (darkens) your paint job.

5) Decals don't necessarly help decals stay down.

6) Solvaset will melt your decals if you use too much.

7) Stick to armor models!!


Here are some pictures:





I'd like to say that paint chipped effect was something that was intended, but alas. . .




I still have my props, landing gear, and weathering to go. If all goes well (at this stage,) the props should distract people from the other less successful parts of the model (more to come later on that.)


wow, these 1/35 cale models are well done. I used to paint a great deal of infantry 1/35 when I was younger. I am going to dig them up and post them. I started collecting 1/6 models from (Dragon Models). They are incredibly detailed . For a 12" toy it is crazy when everything on the weopns has moving parts, or the linings come out of the jackets.




I should get my husband in on this. He was a MASTER modeler. Used to sell his goods in hobby stores, down in the Detroit area. They didn't come much better!


His work is some of the nicest I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that because he is my hubby. Precision was the name of the game. He would even bore out the gun sights etc.


He's the one you need to get advice from. Happy learning curve!



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"


It's beautiful, in a military sort of way. Must have taken a lot of hours.

I did have to laugh when I saw the cutting mat underneath it. I have several of those for quilting!!! what a wonderful and great thing that is. Wish I would have invented that..... :armata_PDT_01:






The effect on the props is something called Prop-blur. it is photo-etched brass that you replace the regular props with and it gives the rotating effect. I also added exhaust stains.


I had never tried it before; it's a real pain in the arse but looks great.


Anyway, I don't think I'll be doing many models before I leave for Iraq (except a Fokker DR-1 for my elder son for Christmas.) When I get back into upon my return, I think I'll start building some of those tank kits I've had for so long. You know- something without glass!

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

Looks GREAT! My hubby does the exhaust staining, etc. A nice touch, n'est pas?


Those props are an interesting effect too. Yes, it does give the realism impression.


Nice work!

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Well my B-24 has found it's final display spot (until we get to our next duty station, anyway.) It is now on my 4 year old's ceiling:






Gears down, bomb bays open, props rotating, no crew? All at the same time? Not likely, but there wasn't a way to make the gear up without major modifications - and I didn't have the time nor inclination to expend the labor necessary to accomplish that. I did, however, want to show off the bomb bay I had worked on as well as the prop-blur propellers.

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

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