A song for my wife?

I received the following email the other day in regards to a song found on our music site. We wound up corresponding and the story turned into a touching love story and a soldier's gift to his wife. Printed here with permission from Jeff.



Where did you get the recording of Horace Heidt and the song "Goodbye Dear, I'll be Back in a Year"?


I've been looking for a copy and have been unable to find one. Jeff




Sorry for the delay, it's been an absolutely crazy, busy month. I had to move my main site and forum over to a new server (yikes), and then we are getting ready to gut and remodel three rooms in our house including the bath and kitchen. BIG JOB. So I am a bit behind in my correspondence...


The song can be found on a CD called, The Music of WWII - Volume 1. It's produced by a little company called, Quality Audio. It was a gift from my friend in Alaska. There is an address on the CD if that will help. I will write to her and ask here where she got it too in the interim.


Quality Audio

PO Box 2600 Plattsburg, NY 12901-0229


PO Box 361 Victoria Station, Westmount, Quebec, Canada H3Z 2V8


Thanks for writing and for your patience,






Thanks for the response. I've done a bit of Googling this morning and am unable to find either the CD or the company. Any additional information you or your friend can provide as to where I might buy a copy would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks again.






In the interim I wrote to Nancy and wrote back to Jeff again a couple of times...




I would very much appreciate it if you could make me a copy. I'm on orders for Iraq and want to make a CD of songs for my wife before I leave; I want to start it with "Goodbye Dear."


Either an actual CD or an e-mailed file would be great.


Obviously you've got my e-mail address if e-mailing the file works for you. Or my office address is: (left off for privacy)


Thanks for your help.








I got your email tonight as we (my husband, one of our very best friends' Michelle, and her two kids) were sitting around the dining room table. I have to say that your email struck a wonderful chord with all of us. We were so very touched by your story and your romantic notion. Michelle wanted me to play the song for her, so I did. We all listened to the words, and must admit, we got a bit misty-eyed. Her little daughters who are 6 and 8, wanted to hear the song again, and began to sing it. It was really very sweet.


Anyway, I wanted to write as soon as I could and let you know that I will be sending the song to you within the next couple of days. There is NO charge. My hubby and I were so touched by your sentiment, that we both agreed that we would not only send you the song, but the whole collection FREE OF CHARGE.


When are you deploying? We send our best to you, and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


With warmest regards,








Thanks for the file - it plays like a charm. As I said, I plan to copy it to a CD of music for my wife.


I retired from the Army in 2000 and have been recalled effective late May. I was a tanker by trade, but am going to FT Bragg to train for Civil Affairs missions (working with the Iraqis on various construction/re-construction projects). I expect to go wheels-up for Iraq early this fall and will be there for a year. After that we shall see what the Army has in mind.


Thanks again,






Jeff the best to you on your re-deployment. May God keep you safe from harm. Please keep us posted. Every time I hear that song in the future, I will always think of your and your dear wife. :drinkin:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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