Nazi-hunter says he's closing in on 'Dr. Death'

Interesting story sent to me by Dogdaddy:


By JEANNETTE NEUMANN, Associated Press Writer

Thu Jul 17, 11:06 PM ET




BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - The world's top Nazi-hunter said Thursday he's made progress in finding 94-year-old "Doctor Death," a former concentration camp physician accused of torturing Jewish prisoners as they died and who may have been living for decades in Argentina or Chile.




Efraim Zuroff, head of the Israeli branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told a news conference that his mission to the southern reaches of the Americas led him to at least four people who claim to have seen Aribert Heim in the past 45 days.


"We're better off than before we came," Zuroff said. "That doesn't guarantee Heim's capture, but I'm hopeful."


Zuroff launched the investigation last week in the southern Chilean fishing town of Puerto Montt, where Heim's daughter lives, although she was reportedly overseas at the time.


Zuroff said during the past three years she has traveled several times to the Patagonian town of San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina, which he visited this week. The Nazi hunter believes Heim is hiding out somewhere between the two towns, separated by the Andes mountain range.


"There is increasing pressure on Heim and on his family," Zuroff said Thursday. "People under pressure make mistakes," he added.


Zuroff told The Associated Press that the Puerto Montt trip was a "turning point" because he was able to speak face-to-face for the first time with acquaintances of Heim's daughter and raise awareness among locals.


"These are people who brought us specific details that gives us something concrete to latch onto," said Sergio Widder, the center's Latin American representative. He declined to elaborate.


Heim was indicted in Germany after World War II on charges he murdered hundreds of inmates at the Mauthausen concentration camp in 1941. The Wiesenthal center says he injected the corrosive poison phenol directly into the hearts of many and used "other torturous killing methods."


Zuroff says Heim's children have made no claim to a bank account with euro1.2 million (US$1.6 million) and other investments in Heim's name. To do that, they would have to produce proof that "Doctor Death" is dead.


He said he's been tracking recent requests by Heim's lawyers for legal documents related to his estate that "would have no value if he is dead." He would not give details.


A reward of euro315,000 (US$495,000) is being offered jointly by the center, the German and Austrian governments and a private donor for information leading to his capture. Heim tops the Wiesenthal Center's list of most-wanted Nazi war criminals.


Zuroff met Thursday morning with Argentine Justice Minister Anibal Fernandez, who said the government will facilitate Heim's arrest and extradition if Heim is found in the country.


Although World War II ended more than 60 years ago, the center continues to take on new cases as Nazi sightings surface. Between March 2007 and 2008, the Wiesenthal Center opened 202 new investigations, Zuroff said.


The South American probe is part of the Jewish human rights organization's "Operation: Last Chance" — an effort to bring aging war criminals to justice before they die. If alive, Heim would be 94.


Answering critics who say Heim's age undermines the validity of the hunt, Zuroff said to "keep in mind what he did when was a very young person."


"If we put a limit on age, in a practical sense that means we're saying you can get away with genocide, which is morally outrageous," he added.


After World War II, Heim was held for two and a half years by the United States military but was released without being tried.


He disappeared in 1962 after he was tipped off that German authorities were about to indict him, Zuroff said.


I really hope they get that bastard .....




I really admired Simon Wiesenthal for his tenacity in hunting down these guys and I'm glad there have always been people too follow in his footsteps.




I hope they get him. I only wish they had pursued the Japanese war criminals with as much vigor. We have Doug MacArthur to blame for that.


Much of the atrocities they committed still remains unknown by the general public.

Those monsters went on with their lives and many became prominent in Japan.


Infamous Japanese unit 731 dissected captured American servicemen while THEY WERE Alive!


Whenever ANYONE starts bleating about how horrible we were to drop the A--bomb on

Hiroshima & Nagasaki - give them the information about Japan's Unit 731:

That is so disgusting, I could hardly read all of it. The thought of it literally makes me what to heave. To think such people roam and have roamed the earth. :armata_PDT_23:
Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

That is so disgusting, I could hardly read all of it. The thought of it literally makes me what to heave. To think such people roam and have roamed the earth. :armata_PDT_23:


If he's too old to stand trial, go boo!! post-256-1216847077_thumb.gif

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I wanted to add something to this thread before it goes into hibernation. I recently bought a Documentary DVD called "The Unknown Soldier" which documents the controversial Wehrmacht Exhibition in Germany several years ago. The exhibit implied that there was evidence of widespread complicity by the Wehrmacht in war time atrocities and not just the SS, and this was referred to as Germany's Nasty little Family Secret. I don't know if that's all true, but the researchers sure made some compelling arguments to that effect. One of the points that stuck with me was about the often heard "I was only following orders". After citing several incidents in which a German officer disobeyed a superior officer who had given him a command to shoot unarmed civilians or prisoners it was revealed that there is no record anywhere of a situation like that ever resulting in the death of Anyone who refused to obey an order like that, and you know how meticulous the Germans were about keeping records. Does this mean that all Wehrmacht soldiers were guilty?...Hell no! but it makes the case that it might have been more common than people have been led to believe. When I see the kind of people that were protesting this exhibit (Very drunk & angry German skinheads) I tend to lean towards believing the info presented by the filmakers, not that my opinion matters :argue:




There was an article in either World War II or Word War II History magazine that discussed the complicity of the Wehrmacht in many war crimes - mostly on the Eastern Front. The care of the millions of Russian prisoners was put in the hands of the Wehrmacht and as a matter policy a large percentage of them died of neglect or mistreatment. Not to mention any aid in the deportation of Jews and others to concentration camps. In the west, there weren’t quite the same atrocities, but several widely known instances certainly indicate the fact that it happened there too. If I find the article, I will scan and post it. There is also another article I've read another article written by a Chinese medical researcher about Unit 731. It's a good thing the Japanese and Germans were separated by a huge amount of land. I can't imagine if these two could put their evil minds and industry together.

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien




they are now,, made in Japan and we are buying the things. Rocky


In Flags of our Fathers James Bradley recounts how he had invited his parents to visit Japan when he was studying there in the 70's (I think it was the 70's). He father, a corpsman on Iwo Jima made famous by the Joe Rosenthal photo, refused because of the memory of what they had done to one of his friends on the island. The Germans may have killed POW's but the Japanese seem to delight in torture and prolonged mistreatment of allies. (Perhaps that more resembles the German's approach to Russian POW's.)


Here is the Article about Unit 731 I told you about. It not only goes into what they did but discusses, in depth, our complicity after the fact. As with the Germans we used for spying and technological advancement, we used the Japanese for their research we couldn't do ourselves. And while we let these sadists go free, we didn't net much their "research." It was all for naught.

Maj Todd O. USMC, Retired
Grandson of LTC John O'Brien

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