Vernon Snodgrass



I am looking for any information or photos of my Grandfather, Vernon Snodgrass - 1108th Group, 48th Combat Engineers Battalion, Company B.


To the best of my knowledge, my grandfather entered the service in 1942, trained at Camp Walthers Texas, Camp Gruber Oklahoma, Camp Polk Louisiana, and then traveled with the 48th to North Africa and onto Italy.


He was wounded on January 14, 1944 near San Pietro, Italy.... but I am not sure what happened after that.... Either due to injuries sustained in San Pietro, or injuries from a later enguagement, he was sent to a hospital, after the hospital stay he was reassigned to the 337th Quartermasters and spent the remainder of the war in Leghorn, Italy.


I would appreachite any assistance you can provide. Thank you In advance.




PS - Here is a general list of my Granddad's where-a-bouts during the war.



September 11, 1941 - Entered Military Service



September 23, 1942 - Married high school sweetheart

October 1942 - Private - CoD 64th Inf. Training Battalion (Camp Walters, Tx)

December 1942 - Made Private First Class

November 18, 1942 - Camp Gruber, Oklahoma

December 18-20, 1942 - Took weekend furlough from Camp Gruber and returned

home (Liberal, Mo) for a visit



February 1943 - Captain

March 1943 - Training at Camp Polk Louisiana

June 1943 - Back at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma

July (First week - 15), 1943 - On leave, back to Liberal, Missouri

August 14'ish, 1943 - Traveled to New England States

August 20, 1943 - Boarded USS Edmund Alexander on New York Harbor (for 2

week trip to North Africa)

September 4, 1943 - North Africa

October 21, 1943 - Italy

December 15-23, 1943 worked on the "Express Highway" (Italy)



January 4-8, 1944 - 1108th Cited for Outstanding Performance

January 12, 1944 - Wounded (Purple Heart) - Near San Pietro, Italy (Spent

time in Hospital)

April 1944 - Reassigned to the 337th Quarter Master Supply Company



April 1945 - Sergeant

May 8, 1945 - European VE Day

June 1945 - Leghorn, Italy

October 23, 1945 - Left Leghorn, for Naples to board a ship back to the



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Hey Vern:


Nice to see you on the forum(Vern and I already know each other from chatting via email in the past.


Would love to post the photos you were talking about on the Photo Gallery. I look forward to that.


Have you had a chance to talk to any other members of your grandfather's unit, or their family members. It's been a while, so I don't remember who I put you in touch with.


Welcome. Love that pic of your granddad.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hey Vern:


Nice to see you on the forum(Vern and I already know each other from chatting via email in the past.


Would love to post the photos you were talking about on the Photo Gallery. I look forward to that.


Have you had a chance to talk to any other members of your grandfather's unit, or their family members. It's been a while, so I don't remember who I put you in touch with.


Welcome. Love that pic of your granddad.


I did have the honor of emailing Max Jonah and Al Kincer a few times.... but the information has been very limited. It appears that since my granddad was reassigned to the quartermasters, the 48th really lost touch with him. Regardless he defiantly spent October 1942 through at least January 1944 with the 48th Co. B.


I am sure there are photos/stories out there somewhere... I just have to find them.


I guess my granddad and Tommy GooGoo were buddies in the 48th Co.B. I have attached Tommy's military photo, as well as one when Tommy visited my granddad in his home town of Liberal, Missouri. The visit took place on July 6, 1963.


(NOTE: Sgt Tommy GooGoo is recognized on page 305 of the book "We the 48th" for receiving the silver star in the vicinity of Mt. Porchia, Italy)


Very Truly,

Snod's Grandson



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.jpg   Tommy GooGoo - Army Photo.jpg (Size: 20.45 KB / Downloads: 0)
.jpg   Tommy GooGoo and Vernon Snodgrass - July-6-1963.jpg (Size: 102.28 KB / Downloads: 0)

As the years pass, it's gets even harder to piece together information. As you know, there aren't many left and it's even tougher if you are attempting to find things on a specific person in a specific company.


But you never know where you're next tidbit will arise.


While I have a TON of info on the 540th, odds are I will never get more data on my dad's service, since many of the guys from H&S are no longer with us. However, I was and am grateful for all I have received.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

I did have the honor of emailing Max Jonah and Al Kincer a few times.... but the information has been very limited. It appears that since my granddad was reassigned to the quartermasters, the 48th really lost touch with him. Regardless he defiantly spent October 1942 through at least January 1944 with the 48th Co. B.


I am sure there are photos/stories out there somewhere... I just have to find them.


I guess my granddad and Tommy GooGoo were buddies in the 48th Co.B. I have attached Tommy's military photo, as well as one when Tommy and his wife (back row, far right) visited my granddad (as well as my grandma, my uncle and my mom) in his home town of Liberal, Missouri. I am guessing the visit took place in about 1953/1954.


(NOTE: Sgt Tommy GooGoo is recognized on page 305 of the book "We the 48th" for receiving the silver star in the vicinity of Mt. Porchia, Italy)


Very Truly,

Snod's Grandson



Attached is another photo of one of my Granddad’s army buddies. His name was Hom Sim.


Best I can recall he was a Chinese-American. On page 13 of the “We the 48th” book, it references a “few Chinese, who later proved to be among the best soldiers”. I have to believe Hom Sim was one of them.


Hom Sim is also identified in the “We the 48th” book on page 348 of the roster.


My Granddad always said “Hom Sim was more deadly with his knife, than he ever was with his gun”.


In an email correspondence with Al Kincer, Al told me that Hom Sim fell under a truck and left the 48th in central France.


Very Truly,

Snod's Grandson



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.jpg   Hom Sim - US Army.jpg (Size: 26.46 KB / Downloads: 0)
.jpg   Hom Sim - January 23, 1944.jpg (Size: 56.14 KB / Downloads: 0)

Attached is another photo, this one of my Granddad Vernon Snodgrass and his friend Andy Phillips.


Granddad shared a story with me about Andy. During their training at Camp Gruber Oklahoma, Andy graciously took my Granddad home with him on a weekend pass. Andy was from Hackett, Arkansas.


I guess the bus dropped the two of them off in Hackett about dusk, and they began walking... after a couple of miles, my Granddad asked Andy "how much further", Andy replied, "It's just a piece up the road".... after a while further, my Granddad asked again, "how much further?"... and again Andy replied "just a piece up the road yet".... this questioning continued numerous times over the next couple of hours, when they finally arrived at Andy's home place in the middle of the night!


As I understand it, the home place was not much more than a shack in the middle of the Arkansas woods, but the arrival of the soldiers was reason for a celebration. The story goes that Andy's Pa, Ma and all the kids got up for a party. Pa killed a chicken and Ma made the best fried chicken dinner my Granddad had ever eaten (especially in the middle of the night). After the meal, they all laid back down for what was left of a good nights sleep. My Granddad said that as he lay down, he could see the Arkansas stars through the roof of the most hospitable family he'd ever met.


Andy is mentioned in the book "We the 48th" on page 345 of the Roster.


Very Truly,

Snod's Grandson


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Heres another picture.... this one of Andy Phillips, Florian Schriner, and my Granddad Vernon Snodgrass.


Florian Schriner always told my Granddad that when this wars over, were gonna fight and see whos the better man. My Granddad was a big man, and a state champion in high school athletics. According to an email from Al Kincer, Schriner too was a big man, and Kincer said he was glad he never had to fight him! As far as I know Snodgrass and Schriner never locked horns, but instead stood shoulder to shoulder!


Very Truly,

Snod's Grandson


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.jpg   Phillips - Schriner - Snodgrass.jpg (Size: 66.41 KB / Downloads: 0)

It's a real joy to read posts with Al's quotes. He was one of my very favorite vets. He did so much for me. He was a real mentor and pal. I sure do miss him.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"


My name is Patricia D. Towry Larson. My mother is Darlene Elaine Stoop Towry, she is the daughter of Pauline Snodgrass. Pauline Snodgrass is the sister to your grandfather Vernon Snodgrass. We ran across this information and this site, while working on a family tree that my daughter Sarah Elizabeth Larson got me started on. This venture has been very interesting. If you have any questions you can call us @ 6615373749.


Welcome. It's neat how things simply fall into place. It's a great place to meet and get to know people. Glad I could be the conduit to connect the two of you.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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