Another New Guy Here

Hello, my name is Nicholas Hopper and I'm here in the Great ol' Pacific Northwest.


I've always had a deep interest in World War II, though I did not have any family members that was in the service during WWII. (the closet would have been my Grandfather during the Korean War but he was medically discharged before he went anywhere.)


My main interest is the European theatre mainly in the 7th Army and the 4th Inf. Div.


My very first WWII uniform I purchased was a complete 7th Army corporal Class A uniform. Since then my collection has grown to encompass all different stuff including a 1945 Willy MB jeep.


At the moment I'm trying to dig up information on a gentleman that was in the CBI theatre of operation. Years ago I purchased a huge collection of over 300 + letters from an antique store. These letters were written from the gentleman to his wife. These are all his letters from when he joined the army until he came home. What a collection. So my focus is to learn as much as I can about the person and hopefully try to locate any and all paperwork about this person.


I've been reading through a lot of the post and there seems to be a great group of people here with lots of info. I look forward to talking with all of you.


Nick Hopper


Nicholas; Welcome aboard, This Forum is controlled by a first class person,

Just call her Marion. Just jump in whenever you wish.

Roque Riojas,,, ,34th Inf. Divn. known as the (RED BULL) Divn.


That is very interesting Nick. I do hope you find some information on him.




Hey Nicholas. Thanks for joining and yes, you will meet a lot of very nice and very interesting people here including WWII vets. It's become my favorite place to go each day because I look forward to talking with everyone here. They have all become very dear friends. Of course too, I have learned so much along the way. I never leave here without gaining more knowledge about WWII and all the men and women who helped shaped that era.


I know and I'm sure you've heard, comments good and bad or at least indifferent about reenactors. Me personally, hell I think it's a great way to keep the history ALIVE. Movies and reenacting, books and magazines, all present ways to turn people, especially young people onto an era, a generation that they sadly know nothing about.


When I taught school, the best way to reach kids (heck anyone else too) is through visuals. If you can feel it, see it, be there, experience it in any way, well it stays with you. So a personal thanks from me to you and all the other reenactors who help bring WWII to life.


Hey and I'm already calling in a favor (do you feel like family yet? :pdt12::pdt12: ). If I ever make it out your way, I want a ride in that 1945 jeep. :pdt34:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hey and I'm already calling in a favor (do you feel like family yet? :pdt12::pdt12: ). If I ever make it out your way, I want a ride in that 1945 jeep. :pdt34:

No problem at all!! I'll just need to make sure it is all back together for ya!! :)


Tried to reach you via email and both bounced this month. 

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

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