


I just couldn't resist it. I couldn't wait to announce that I registered a name for my website. I couldn't decide on a name. I wanted to use something like "ItalyWW2" or more specific "ItalyWW2-1944-45" but my expert web designer said numbers were not good in a website name.

I first heard the term "Custermen" while reading Paul Schultz's history "The 85th Infantry Division in WW2". I've used it as my screen name on this forum and many other websites and chat rooms. The word is plural as it remembers ALL the soldiers who served in the 85th Division. And if I used the name "Custerman" then they would think I was claiming to be one of them.


So, here is the intro page that opens into my website. I hope you can update your Links and use this. It will still have a menu that will lead to other general information on the Italian Campaign from May 1944 to May 1945.




Also, I welcome any suggestions about how to improve the opening page. Drop me an email with any comments.







Let me be the first to say how thrilled and happy I am for you and your new site and to that I'll add, about time, fella! You are one dude who really knows your stuff. I think I first ran across your postings on Doc Roe's site; later, on the 36th Division site. On this site, at least, you answered a question or two of mine and dug up and sent me some info. Regarding the name for your site, Custermen - excellent choice - because that's how I think of you when I've wanted to go back and read things you've posted before. No longer do I need to think, "Now, what does his call his sight?" because before I think you had it listed as the "85th" something-or-other.


Good job, my friend. Let me run over there right now and check in and bookmark your new site.


Marilyn :)


Hearty congrats. Ah, quite a week on the net for Steve and I. My first anniversary on the web and the growth and change of Steve's site. Can't wait to visit and will surely bookmark and change the links to your site.



Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"


I wanted to put in a big CONGRATS on your 1st Anniversary but wasn't sure where to put it. You GO Girl!!


My site is not all that new. It's just exciting to have a real .com name out there. Now I can print me up a T-shirt and a bumper sticker. :D

But I promise not to hog your site with all my advertising and stuff. I still want to be just your average user here.




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