
First I want to thank Marion for putting up this forum and for the many hours of work she spend on it .


Ever since I was a 5 year old nuisance my grandpa told me stories about his actions during ww2 ! As a kid I got fascinated by them and my curiosity grew over the years. Even more , it became a passion .


I'm 32 years young and live in Belgium , an 80 min drive from Bastogne !


Studied ancient history and Germanistic languages .


Became a part time pro musician instead .... B)


506th PIR is my heart and soul and nowadays I only work on ww2 projects to keep the remembrance alive for our kids and their kids ....etc....


"They gave their lives for our freedom , they fought the unknown enemy , they are a piece of modern history . " Because of their action and courage I still speak Dutch in my own beautiful country ."


So I do all I can to keep them remembered and all for 1 reason !


To say THANK YOU !


A very warm welcome. I am so glad that you decided to join us. It is always an absolute pleasure to have someone from Belgium too. A real honor.


Seems we have a lot in common too. Music and history!


I have stated it elsewhere, but want to thank you again for tending to the grave site of Robert and taking the job that Emma so lovingly did for decades. It was very sad to hear of her passing, but I know she is looking down and smiling and proud that you have taken her place. It is up to all of us to keep the spirit alive.


I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Thanks Lennon and welcome to a great site!


Nicely said Lennon and welcome to a great forum.


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


Marion ,


As I promised I'll put some updates and pics about Robert on this site soon .


I also will stay in contact with Renate , Emmy's daughter ! because I want to continue what Emmy started !


Today National Geographic had a ww2day !


I s saw several testimonies of Don ( Burgett) I had never seen before !


Jiggers , this is a truely great site !


Lennon, glad to hear that you will keep in contact with Renate. It is so important to keep in touch with all those in the past and present. I hope the two of you will be able to meet someday. That would be just awesome.


Damn, I missed another Burgett moment. So far I am batting a complete zero. One of these days I will catch a Burgett moment. I supposed I shouldn't feel too bad since I've had the honor of talking to him in person several times. But still, it would be so cool to catch him on TV.


Thanks for all your compliments too. They mean a lot. Thanks for your contributions.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


Marion ,


As I promised I'll put some updates and pics about Robert on this site soon .


I also will stay in contact with Renate , Emmy's daughter ! because I want to continue what Emmy started !


Today National Geographic had a ww2day !


I s saw several testimonies of Don ( Burgett) I had never seen before !


Jiggers , this is a truely great site !

Spread the word brother Lennon Spread the word !


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!


Marion ,


As I promised I'll put some updates and pics about Robert on this site soon .


I also will stay in contact with Renate , Emmy's daughter ! because I want to continue what Emmy started !


Today National Geographic had a ww2day !


I s saw several testimonies of Don ( Burgett) I had never seen before !


Jiggers , this is a truely great site !

Spread the word brother Lennon Spread the word !

Will do Jiggs . But have to be more selective I guess.


Hey Reg:


Got any of your music that you would care to share with your VI Corps buddies? hint hint... :D

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Hi Lennon,

I always considered you part of the family here. You and your 3 friends did a great job at cemetry in Margraten. The photo's were great. Thank you for taking Emmy's place ,she was a sweet lady. My family has known her for 60 years.




Art a long ago air man


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