
Here is the official account of the 53rd Naval Construction Battalion-Seabees work while in support of the 3rd Marine Division on Bougainville, Solomon Islands, covering the period November 1,- 24, 1943.Two hundred and forty-four men, the officer in Charge, seven other officers and one bulldozer landed in the second wave with the 2nd Raider Battalion on Beach Green-2 on D-Day, November 1. This group acted as Shore-Party for the unloading of the USS George Clymer. This work was concluded early in the afternoon of D-Day. Seventy-four men, two officers and one bulldozer landed in the second wave on Puruata Island, with the 3rd Raider Battalion and one battery of the 3rd Defense Battalion. This group acted as Shore-Party in unloading their ship, and assisted the 3rd Defense Battalion in securing their positions. This detail remained with the battery for eight days. Fifty-six men and one officer landed in the second wave on Beach Blue-2 and acted as Shore-Party for about ten days. One man, with bulldozer, and one officer landed in the first wave on Beach Blue-1 to assist the 3rd Defense Battalion in securing their battery positions. This man and bulldozer remained with the battery for about five days, and on November 2 about one hundred men and two officers from Beach Green-2 were assigned to assist the battery for three days. On November 2 all available men were started constructing bridges and pioneer road along the Piva Trail from Beach Yellow-1. No amount of construction equipment was available until November 6, and progress was slow through the swamps. This project was later expanded to include a pioneer road from Blue-1 and extension of the Piva Trail to an intersection with the Piva Road near Piva. On November 6 an additional six officers, 179 men, and considerable construction equipment were landed on Puruata Island. These troops were transferred to the mainland on November 9, and assigned to road construction. Here at Empress Augusta Bay, was once again seen the close relationship and cameraderie which existed between "Seabees and the Marines". The main road, when completed, was named "Marine Drive" and dedicated, with deep affection, "To our very good Friend, the Fighting Marines". A large sign, announcing this fact, was placed at one of the roads terminals. On November 11, one officer, 63 men and additional equipment arrived. On November 28, three officers and 33 men arrived, and on December 4, one officer and 16 men completed the movement. A total of 24 officers and 687 men, together with approximately 800 tons of equipment and rolling stock, are now on the island. On November 15, work was started on a two-lane road up the Piva River from the beach. On November 30, this road was open to traffic to the southeast corner of the Piva Airfield site. The Piva Trail pioneer road was 85% percent completed at this time. Survey crews on November 4, started surveys from Yellow-2, and, on November 10, these crews started preliminary surveys for the Piva Airfield. These crews worked under extremely difficult and hazardous conditions as sporadic enemy opposition was encountered in these areas until about November 30. Up to November 24, a total of two miles of primary highway and 1.8 miles of pioneer road had been constructed. A majority of this work was through extemely difficult swamps and jungles, and a considerable portion of these roads were built on corderuroy brush mats, by hand.

Miscellaneous activities included: Construction of operationsl dugouts for First Amphibious Corps, ( numbered among these was the elaborate one built for the personal use of Admiral Halsey. Hauling ammunition and rations on Affe trailers to the front lines. Start of development of a coral pit on Torokina Piont. Construction of emergency operating tent and hospital ward for 3rd Defense Battalion Medical Officer, and the loan to him of the assistance of two Battalion medical officers and several corpsmen to care for Raider casualties during the first ten days. Available records indicate 81 enemy air alerts in which enemy planes were overhead and bombs were dropped. Enemy artillery, mortar and machine gun fire existed on the beaches November 1st and and 2nd. Sniper fire existed for the entire two months period in the jungle. Its assigned missions successfully and commendably completed, the 53rd returned from Bougainville during the middle of January, 1944 o its former camp at Doma Cove, Guadalcanal. The various detachments of the Battalion landing on D-Day were under operational control of the 3rd Marine Division until November 8, at which time they reverted to the control of the Commanding General, First Marine Amphibious Corps.


So glad that you were able to post their info here. I took time to read it last night. As you know, I like to post the history of the lessor-known units here on my site. They ALL deserve a place in the spotlight, for they ALL contributed greatly to the war effort. Thanks, Marion

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

To firdt Marine Corp,


Marines 1945


Any one know what Island had Capt. R. W. Baile and Lt. Virgil Terry ?

Only thing I know is (1945) the island had—

Piva Strip

Base Ordnance Depot.

Base Supply Depot

Base Ammunition Depot.


Signal Transmission Center




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