Here I am

Hello everyone.


For the people who don't know me. My name is Frank Gubbels, I am 23 years old and live in a small village called Noorbeek in Holland. This village is situated about 10 kilometers away from the American Cemeteries in Margraten (Holland) and Henri-Chapelle (Belgium).


I am really interested in World War 2. First it was only 101 Airborne but now I am also looking for more information about the 30th "Old Hickory" infantry division. They liberated our village on September 12 1944. Noorbeek is the first liberated community of the Netherlands.


If someone has any questions, you may ask them and I will help everywhere I can.


Regards to all of you,


Frank :D


And Reg, thank you for your warm welcome before I introduced myself :lol: .


Frank, first off let me say that I thought you were a lot older than that. Not that there's anything wrong with being in your early twenties :lol: , but you come across as having many more years under your belt. So I'm giving ya a compliment! B)


I'm really delighted to have you here and thanks for offering your help.


Someday I would love to make it to your area with the chance of meeting all my friends in Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, etc. I am honored to have met all of you. I have never been to Europe and look forward to all exploring all the rich heritage and especially visiting all the places that were so affecting by WWII.


Merry Christmas to you and yours. :pdt20:

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

No Prob Frank ,


Hope we'll keep in touch here !




23!? I thought he was older, too!!


No there is absolutely nothing wrong with being 23, I wish I was 23 again.


lol!! Welcome Frank!!




Hey there Frank Its nice to see ya here, I know you will enjoy it. There are some great people and a lot to learn here Welcome to our place young man,, Cindy


Welcome, Frank.


Here is a bit of info about someone who served in the 30th Division.

Private Clyde V. Hill - Company C, 119th Regiment, 30th Infantry Division

Clyde Hill is my uncle. I've always wondered where he was when he was wounded. It was in Germany and not in your area, I don't think. If you have studied this unit, then maybe you might know more about them than I do.


Glad to meet you.



Greetings Frank, and good to see you here! :pdt34:




:woof: Jim


Welcome, Frank.


Here is a bit of info about someone who served in the 30th Division.

Private Clyde V. Hill - Company C, 119th Regiment, 30th Infantry Division

Clyde Hill is my uncle. I've always wondered where he was when he was wounded. It was in Germany and not in your area, I don't think. If you have studied this unit, then maybe you might know more about them than I do.


Glad to meet you.


I have some contacts with an Old Hickory veteran from E-com 117th Regiment. His name is John P. O'Hare. Interesting to see the story about your uncle.


Thank you everyone for your warm welcome.






23!?  I thought he was older, too!! 


No there is absolutely nothing wrong with being 23, I wish I was 23 again. 


lol!!  Welcome Frank!!



Don't say that Brooke. You're doing great right where you are.


You young "Whippersnappers" want to know what I mean? Go to the frapper map and see for yourselves.


Sorry Brooke; had to do it



Thank you Chuck!!




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