Again, this has gotten out of hand through missunderstandings. I was agreeing with the Sarge about some Krauts being in U.S. uniforms. This was common knowledge. I did
not disagree, only stateing a answer from the other forum and agreeing saying it again. .. It kind of reminded me of the "Wherwolves" bit in post war Germany. Granted, undoubtedly there were a few, also some roumors, but again, neither myself
or Recon actually saw any of them or their work. (I dont mean tthis in a sarcastic way,
but as another fact). My first post on this thread was not in rebuttal but agreeing that
we did say we had seen none of this. (in our areas). Hope this ends the confusion.
I will put it simply. Yes, I do believe that there were some Krauts in G.I. uniforms, but
no, I did not actually see any in our area which was many miles from the Bulge. Fred,
I sure wasnt trying to "ruffle your feathers" and I know you werent try to "Ruffle" mine
as some here thought.. By the way Fred (Sarge) the other forum sure has gone to hell in the last month or so. Almost none of the "old group" posting anymore. Going to spend this afternoon trying to track down Recon once again and if so going to give him hell for disapearing again. Got a few more "markers to call in" and will see what they
come up with quickly again.