BYW, Here is a link to the "official" website of the Polar Bears and an unofficial history of the 85th Division.
Both are compiled by the Historian of the Association, John Heiser. He has completed a detailed history of the 339th Infantry Regiment and is finalizing the draft before going into publication. If you want to know anything about the 339th, John will know.
John is my age and I can't wait to visit with him at the Reunion. We sit for hours interrogating each other about various details of the 85th Division.
Hmm. I just noticed an interesting trivia about the Association.
"The first real meeting of the formal association was held in Gulfport, Mississippi in 1956 with about 50 in attendance. "
The reunion in 2002 was also held in Gulfport inconjunction with the dedication of the monument to the 85th Division at Camp Shelby.
Monument erected at Camp Shelby, 2002
Steve pointing to his Dad's unit on reverse side.
(I'm sporting my home-made cap I wear to reunions.)