My sweet little aunt since me a nice post card from my Uncle(her husband's brother) that was dated 1944. Since her husband died, she has gone through some papers and she found several letters from my Uncle Jimmie. Jimmie was captured at Salerno and sent to Stalag IIB. She gave the letters to Jimmie's wife. I saw them at my last visit and pleaded for a cousin to make a scan of them. One was a hand-written letter that was dated on the night before he landed at Salerno---his last day of freedom for 1 1/2 years.
Well, my auntie saved one of the postcards for me and I got it this weekend. It is written on a card printed on Stalag IIB header. It has a Hitler postal stamp on it and a German censor stamp and an American censor stamp(I think).
Oh, it was dated 1 year and 1 day after his date of capture: 10 Sept 1944.
PS: Don't you just love those little Aunties.