Something Intersting

Onway (Milsurp) you are absolutely correct. M.G. Schmidt was the C.G. of the 3rd Inf Div from Aug. 45 to May 46. M..G. O' Daniels was commanding gen of the 3rd Inf Div

from Jan 45 to July 45, plus another earlier bit as C.G. of the 3rd Inf Div. a little earlier also. On the waiting for our "points" to come up to go home we had many replacements come in from other Divisions. (also waiting as we left for the LONG trip home, which sometimes took months in different "made up" outfits" also waiting with us.

Actually I forget the date when I left the 3rd Inf when I started the slow triphome from one "made up" outfit to another, but I believe it was around , but believe it was around

late Dec. '45 or later. Having only joined the 3rd in France, a few campaigns, not being married and no children I was a bit shy of "reurning home points" for quick return. However I was glad to see the married vets and those with children get the extra "go

home points" which I think was proper.. Hell, the war was over, I was young and single

and alive. What difference did another month or so mean..


Messages In This Thread
Something Intersting - by Onaway417 - 11-05-2006, 08:20 PM
Something Intersting - by j3rdinf - 11-05-2006, 09:13 PM
Something Intersting - by Dogdaddy - 11-05-2006, 10:40 PM
Something Intersting - by Onaway417 - 11-06-2006, 03:02 AM

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