12-04-2006, 11:40 PM
Okay I wouldn't have gone anywhere , but I would have cried a lot. I don't have good circulation in my extremities, and my hands and feet get very painful after being out in the cold after a short period. See I told ya I was a woose!
HEY LEE !!!!!! YOUR GAL NEEDS A GOOOOOOD RUB DOWN, NORTH TO SOUTH AND BACK. Winter of '43 we were just in the hills. mud was hell. '44 we werealittle higher up. we thought we had fog, wrong, it was clouds, when it snowed it came down in chunks. but when you are 19,20,21, you are full of p--- and vinegar. Long time ago, now when it get down to 40 you are hurting. Marion take a slug of Jack Daniels and get a rub down, Lee will feel better.; Don't knock the Rock.