Jim Dunigan - U.S. 3rd Inf Div (Reenacted)

Hey Marion,


That is too cool, the ole' venerable 30th Infantry giving Infantry support how about that!! NICE!!! :pdt34::pdt34::pdt34:


The US 30th Infantry Reg't. was the spearhead for the 7th Army's Rhine River Crossing, the US 30th Infantry crossed on March 15th, 1945. Another neat attribute of the US 30th Infantry's crossing is that they pulled the 3rd Infantry Division out of the line and moved them under the cover of night to the Zweibrucken area and to mask the unit markings all units were ordered to cover with coal tar their insignia as to not give away their position.





Messages In This Thread
Jim Dunigan - U.S. 3rd Inf Div (Reenacted) - by MARNE - 12-24-2006, 01:34 AM

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