WW II Trivia

:pdt34: : :pdt:


Operation Overlord, the Allied codename for the invasion of Normandy, involved more than 150,000 men and 5,000 ships. It consisted of American, British, Canadian, Polish, and Free French Armies under command of General Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force (the choice of Eisenhower was officially made by President Roosevelt in December 1943, and agreed upon by the British).


The Deputy Supreme Commander of the invasion was British Air Chief Marshal Arthur W. Tedder, who had been the commander of the Allied Air Forces in the Mediterranean. While British Admiral Bertram H. Ramsay, was appointed naval commander. He had conducted the evacuation at Dunkirk and also planned the Torch landing in North Africa. British Air Chief Marshal Trafford L. Leigh-Mallory was appointed as commander of the air forces.


Montgomery was chosen as the ground forces' commander, despite his well-known personality problems. Eisenhower's first choice was in fact General Harold Alexander, but Churchill needed Alexander to remain in Italy. Montgomery arrived in Britain in January 1944 and began to evaluate the feasibility of the operation. He proposed the expansion of the invasion area to include landings west of the Vire River - allowing for the encirclement of Cherbourg (this would later become Utah Beach).


The Deception - Operation Fortitude

Elaborate efforts were taken in order to deceive the Germans into thinking that a massive Allied force was concentrated in Kent - just opposite Pas de Calais. Command of the fake army (known as the US 1st Army Group) was given to General George S. Patton in order to lend validity to the Army Group. Radio traffic was faked, plywood and canvas installations were constructed, inflatable tanks and vehicles were used extensively in order to deceive the Germans. In all, the plan called Operation Fortitude, was considered a great success in keeping the German High Command guessing about where the real invasion would come from. It would be instrumental in causing the Germans to withhold units once D-Day began. On a side note, Patton would later take command of the US Third Army in Normandy after the landings and during the breakout phase of the campaign.



There was a "Pile up" on Omaha Beach of men,equipment,bulldozers,jeeps etc which had piled up uselessly on the beaches. The 1st;2nd;3rd;4th and 5th waves lay almost where they had fallen.


Around 8 AM Gen. Bradley who was monitoring events from the cruiser Augusta seriously considered calling off the Omaha assault.


Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Heubner was in charge of the assault troops and on his command ship received the message about the "Pile Up" and clogging on the beach. He decided Combat Troops were what was needed instead. He sent in reserve regiments with amphibious tanks and summoned the Navy to close in on the shore and pound the enemy strongholds.


Brig Gen. Theodore Roosevelt(son of the former Pres. Teddy Roosevelt) was in command of the troops on Utah. He did however take his orders from Bradley.




Messages In This Thread
WW II Trivia - by Sgtleo - 08-20-2006, 09:05 PM
WW II Trivia - by Walt's Daughter - 08-20-2006, 09:22 PM
WW II Trivia - by Sgtleo - 08-20-2006, 09:35 PM
WW II Trivia - by Walt's Daughter - 08-21-2006, 12:17 PM

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