Thank you for the compliment that you believe what I say as you said in
that posting about Patton - that means a lot.
With respect to the SS etc., your sentiments expressed about their actions
were music to my ears and I'm sure J3rd and Rocky will agree. One of the
many reasons we left another Forum was that we were being challenged
time after time with regard to our feeling,even today, about the Krauts of
any ilk.
There were so many "Historians" that were astonished that we still
had strong feelings about what the SS et alia did. In some cases they were
even apologizing for the actions and saying that it was merely the actions
of men caught up in the war. That's pure unadulterated BS they were @#$^S
If there were more like you that were intelligent enough to see that if it walks
like a duck,quacks like a duck and swims like a duck - then it IS a duck.