04-17-2007, 05:23 PM
Most of the G.I's extra equipment was stored in his "B" bag. Our "B" bags were kept in The Barracks Bag trailer. one per platoon. I never saw a soldier that did not have his medal with him until he could send it home if he wanted to. All medals I saw awarded were given immediately to the soldier. I was fortunate to always have a jeep assigned to me so I had no probmem holding on to my possesions. The Infantry G.I. had no way to carry much but his mess kit, gas mask & his piece. Many CIB's were brought home as souveniors. Transportation of personal effects was a unit responsibility. There were many large souveniors brought home, some how the soldiers hung on to them. There are many memories of how these things happened & most of them after 60 years are a little pixilated! AL