Thank you very much for the tips.
I have been on these several roads, but so far no results yet.
Funny thing, right after I put this post here I received an e-mail from the director of the Veterans Museum of Mid Ohio Valley in Parkersburg WV.
He is going to check the records and try and find out Eyth's unit.
BUT .... and now it comes ....
Would you consider donating or selling the uniform to the Veterans Museum?

Since I had a bad experience before with those things, I am not really eager to do this.
Once some guy said he was a curator of some museum and my friend (Kerman A Sheckler - 506th PIR - 101st AB) gave him his jump uniform and Ike jacket.
To my disgust I found it listed in a book about uniforms as being in a private museum!
I wonder how many more of these Veterans get ripped off by those .... (trying to keep polite).