Chris Earns the names Puddles!



I had no idea you had taken that picture Moose!


The morning light catches my dome just right!


The puddle I fell in is in the foreground and is just out of the picture. I think Granny was suggecting that I should have fallen in the one he is "testing for depth" as it was much shallower and I would not have got as wet as I did.


What is also not evident is that it was the middle of November! The frost had just only gone in open areas and boy was that water cold!!!


This was my first training day with the group and we were only five minutes into a warm up march when I took the plunge!


When I hit the ground, my main thought was for the weapon, I had only just been loaned it, along with my helmet from Captain Alaway!


This was not only only time I got myself in a puddle over the first half of the first day of the weekend.

On a combat patrol, whenever the halt signal was passed down the line, I was the one that had to end up kneeling in a puddle!

When told to take cover, I had to be the one who jumped in a ditch, that looked dry, but was not!

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, by lunchtime, due to my fall and existing problems, I was in quite a bit of pain, so I opted for the captains offer of riding shotgun in his jeep for most of the weekend.

I was not until we set up camp and lit fires that night that I managed to dry out, but the name has stuck.


Pvt puddles


Messages In This Thread
Chris Earns the names Puddles! - by moose - 07-01-2007, 12:48 PM
Chris Earns the names Puddles! - by sappered - 07-02-2007, 09:35 AM

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