quarter master baking company

The 244th didn't reach England until November of 1944, so therefore they could not have taken part of Operation Market Garden. They sailed for France the third week of December 1944.



On 22 Oct 44, the battalion received its orders for deployment, the next day, it was on a troop train to an unknown destination. When the unit arrived at Camp Kilmer, NJ, the main Port of Embarkation for the ETO, the GIs has their first clue as to their destination. On 29 Oct 44, the battalion set sail in a convoy on the S.S. Explorer. The EM were assigned bunks, stacked four high, and all members were given instructions for procedures in the event of aerial or submarine attack. The men kept their thoughts to themselves as the Statue of Liberty grew smaller in the distance.


The first few days of the crossing were uneventful, and then powerful winds began buffeting the sea and, of course, the ship. Fish were fed quite well until the men learned not to eat in these conditions. The battalion gratefully landed at Avonmouth, England 10 Nov 44. Combat training began on an accelerated schedule. PT, drill (the staple of military training), mines and booby traps, machinegun drills and long, longer, and longest hikes were all part of the training. LTC Stevenson was relieved of command – well aware of his reputation, he had expressed some reservations concerning his safety en route – and a temporary CO, Maj. Freij, took over. The Battle of the Bulge broke 16 Dec 44 and the battalion was slated as reinforcements.


This change of leadership disrupted the plans that SHAEF had for the deployment of the 244th. The battalion languished in England while reports were generated and a suitable CO was located. While significant to the battalion, this series of events, when compared to the fluid, confusing and explosive situation in the Ardennes for the totally unprepared SHAEF was of little significance to them. Major Thomas Bowen, who had been XO, was promoted to LTC and took command of the battalion. It wasn’t until 24 Dec 44 that the battalion sailed for France and the ETO, arriving on Christmas in the early evening. The men nervously noted the numerous mines floating in the water. Little did the battalion know, nor did anyone else, that at 1800 hours, the S.S.Leopoldville, carrying troops from the 66th Infantry Division, would be torpedoed just off the French coast, following the 244th’s route. Nearly 900 officers and EM were lost, as the civilian crew abandoned ship, without giving instructions, radioing for assistance or lowering lifeboats. No one was wearing life belts on the doomed vessel nor was anyone in the 244th.

Marion J Chard
Proud Daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Engineer Combat Regiment, 2833rd Bn, H&S Co, 4th Platoon
There's "No Bridge Too Far"

Messages In This Thread
quarter master baking company - by netherlands - 07-06-2007, 08:39 AM
quarter master baking company - by netherlands - 07-12-2007, 06:49 PM
quarter master baking company - by netherlands - 07-20-2007, 01:09 PM
quarter master baking company - by Walt's Daughter - 07-20-2007, 03:08 PM
quarter master baking company - by netherlands - 07-20-2007, 09:14 PM

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