Malaria in the ETO

Found it! Rocky, what an honor & privilege to speak with you!

My Dad would've been so pleased.

As soon as I saw your picture with the President, I thought "Hey! I know

I've seen this picture of Rocky before!" Well, of course I did - I made a donation to get the

WWII memorial built ,so I get the newsletter and that's where I saw your photo.

I'd planned to attend the memorial dedication, but my Mom was not well then so I

wasn't able to go. I would dearly liked to have been there.


My father could've related to so much on your page. Those photos at Anzio & the K rations!

When he was drafed in '41, he was 6'2" 164lbs and the Army definately didn't help him

put on weight. By the time he got to Rome, and had his picture taken to send home, he

looked like a skeleton. What did my poor grandmother think when she got THAT photo

of her "boy". My father had a terrible sweet tooth, so that was what was so funny & sad about his Thanksgiving notation about the donuts. That's probably ALL they had for

Thanksgiving. The officers might've had turkey dinners, but I don't imagine the rest of

the fellows got any. Do you remember Thanksgiving '43, Rocky? Did you get any turkey?


On the "home front", his mother, sister, and ladies in his Wellesley Ma neighborhood

were busy sending him whatever they could and hoping it got there. I have a letter

my grandmother sent him while he was in Anzio that always gives me a chuckle.

She writes:"Francis, don't forget to send Mrs Hutt (a neighbor) a thank you note for

the cookies she sent ". He probably wanted to write "Hey Ma! We got A WAR

goin' on over here!", but I'd bet a million dollars that he wrote that note to Mrs Hutt.


He also could relate to what you said about Italy & being cold. Everybody was still

wearing the lightweight stuff they were issued for North Africa. In fact, I think

most of them were still wearing the same uniforms into much of the Rhineland campaign.

Eventually, some "genius" issued overcoats to the guys, but I don't believe they liked

those. You couldn't move around in them. I have a photo of Dad in Dec '45 and it looks

like he's wearing 3 pairs of socks, two pairs of gloves , scarves around his neck, and

whatever he could stuff into his regular army jacket. He looks COLD!


I loved your photos, Rocky. You are a handsome fellow! Clearly, your wife

Elizabeth had the kind of beauty that shines out from within as well as from without.

That's rare beauty that you can't get from a beauty spa. Your faith is strong, so

you KNOW that you'll see her again one day.


My Dad was smart like you & married Helen Cole. Here's a photo on their wedding day.


Dad's highest compliment ( and rarely given) was to say "He is a good man!"

I know he'd say that to YOU, Rocky!


It's a privilege!


Mary Ann


Messages In This Thread
Malaria in the ETO - by Walt's Daughter - 08-05-2007, 03:15 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by pjo - 08-05-2007, 03:34 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Mr.GSD - 08-05-2007, 05:12 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Mr.GSD - 08-05-2007, 05:19 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by roque_riojas - 08-05-2007, 07:57 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-06-2007, 11:43 AM
Malaria in the ETO - by roque_riojas - 08-06-2007, 04:10 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-06-2007, 05:20 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by roque_riojas - 08-06-2007, 05:54 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-07-2007, 12:22 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by pjo - 08-07-2007, 02:29 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Walt's Daughter - 08-07-2007, 03:17 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by roque_riojas - 08-07-2007, 04:14 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-07-2007, 05:08 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Walt's Daughter - 08-07-2007, 06:35 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-08-2007, 01:11 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by roque_riojas - 08-08-2007, 03:32 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by moose - 08-08-2007, 04:42 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Mr.GSD - 08-08-2007, 04:42 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-08-2007, 05:17 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Cadetat6 - 08-10-2007, 06:41 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by Cadetat6 - 08-10-2007, 07:21 PM
Malaria in the ETO - by 206thmpco - 08-14-2007, 01:47 PM

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